Chapter ThirtyTwo-Yes

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Harry got down on one knee and popped open a velvet red box. Inside was a massive diamond ring. A bit intimidating. It was beautifully colorless. The largest diamond was about the size of my ring finger nail, smaller diamonds outlined it shape. 

Tears rolled down my cheek and I nodded. "Yes, Harry!" I managed to respond. Never in my life have I ever thought I would get married to someone as special as Harry. He was my ping to my pong. I know I want be with him until the day our hearts stop beating then in our internal live. Harry slipped the ring on my left and got up from his knee and sighed greatly. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Darcy, you have just made me the happiest man alive." He whispered in my ear. The crowd began to chant "kiss". I grabbed Harry by his tie and planted a smoocher right on his perfect lips. When we pulled back, he began blushing. "I love you, Harry." I whispered. "I love you too so-to-be-wife." The boys walked up to us and gave each Harry and I a big group hug. "Good night London!" Liam announced in is microphone. The crowd screamed and we walked off stage.

When the coast was clear, Harry picked my up by my waist and spun me. I laughed and placed my head on his shoulder when he was done. Eleanor and Danielle came running over squealing and jumping. "I'll leave you guys alone." Harry chuckled. "Okay." I responded, quickly pecking his lips. "Let me see that ring!" Eleanor whined. She grabbed my left hand and pulled my finger up to her face. "Darcy so-to-be-Styles, you are the luckiest woman alive!" She cried, jumping up and down. I giggled and hugged her. "Thank you! This is the best day of my life, I finally have the man of my dreams. Louis is okay with it and the fans are also okay with it!" "It's a good thing he proposed to you instead of that granny, Caroline Flack." Danielle explained. Eleanor silently laughed. "Guys, stop that's not very nice." I said with a straight face. I was rather thankful that it was me, but I do respect Caroline unlike most of the Directioners.

A security opened up the glossy limo door. First, Liam and Danielle popped out, causing the girls behind the gate to scream. Then Louis and Eleanor, Niall and his freshly popped popcorn, then Zayn and his mirror. I looked at Harry and squeezed his hand. "Come on, Love." He whispered into my ear. We got out of the car. I held Harry's arm and began to follow Zayn. Lights were flashing, people were screaming, other celebrities like Katy Perry were taking photos with young fans. "Harry, Harry!" A tall young man with a microphone shouted over to us. I creased my eyebrows in confusion. Why was he yelling so loud? Harry walked over. "Yes, Sir?" He asked. The man cleared his throat. "Is it true that you are marrying Louis Tomlinson, your best friends sister, Darcy Tomlinson?" Harry blushed and nodded. "Can I see the ring?" He asked. Harry carefully pulled my hand up the man. His eyes widened. "That is lovely, just make sure the wedding ring is bigger!" He joked. I slightly laughed. "I'd break my arm." I giggled. Harry laughed and kissed my temple. "Well, god bless you both!" The man smiled, walking away. "What a nice man?" I stated. Harry chuckled and walked us over to a group of fans.

"Is it really true you're marrying, her?" A short blonde girl muttered. Harry smiled and kissed me tenderly on the lips. "Yes, and I can't wait for the wedding." He stated. Harry knew that girl was trying to target me as the enemy. "Well, can you at least sign my wrist?" She spat out. Harry sighed and took her sharpie. What and attitude? We began to walk to the end when a little girl around nine called, "Darcy!" Her voice was as sweet as a bell and as innocent as a puppy. I smiled and walked over to her, with Harry following. She smiled and I bent down to her height. "Hey, what can I do for you?" I smiled. She giggled and held up a picture of Harry and I sitting out the couch, the photo Liam took. "Of course!" I chuckled. She handed me the marker. "What is your name?" I asked. "Ivy," she blushed. What a sweet girl? "Well, Ivy, that is a lovely name!" I explained. "Not as lovely as yours, Darcy!" She protested. A warm feeling flew by in my stomach. There was actually someone who believed in Harry and I. "Can I have a hug?" I asked. She nodded and I bent over to the gate and gave her a firm hug. Harry and I walked away. "She is adorable." Harry whispered into my ear. "Not as adorable as you, dear," I whispered into his lips. 

We were sitting in our assigned seats, watching the tour DVD. I giggled at the part where Louis and Harry snuck into Zayn's hair gel and tried to shape their's like Zayn's. "Wannabes!" Zayn shouted. Niall threw his popcorn at us. "Thank you." I whispered. He scowled and went back to the movie. At one point, Darren Criss began laughing so much, his date had to get him a refreshment. I snickered into Harry's shoulder when the Queen of England started wheezing when Harry was playing strip poker with Liam. "It's a good thing I was at class." I whispered into Harry's jaw. He looked over at me. "I was thinking about you the whole entire time." He whispered back. I chuckled and looked back at the screen.

When we got home, I took a bath. Harry was in our room watching Bob the Builder for some odd reason, looking in the mirror, I took my bun out and let my long hair with ringlets at the end, out. Once  I slipped out of my dress, I dipped my body in the bath tub, filled with the scent of lavender and roses. I sighed in pleasure and rested my head on the rim of the tub. I dipped my hand in the water and took it out, the diamond was sparkling. I almost forgot I was engaged! Joy spread around me. I was finally going to be with the man I loved. I heard Bob the builder tap a nail and Harry laughed. Yes, I was going to be with the fool I love forever. But wait, something just lingered into my mind. What will my parents say about this?

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