Chapter Eighteen-Really

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The darkness of the night finally rose upon us, Louis lead me back to his car. "I had so much fun!" I said keenly. Louis smiled and hopped into the car the same time I did. "I'm glad you did, I also had fun." Louis confessed. I smiled and turned on the radio. Louis began to drive home. Just then "Pocket Full of Sunshine" began to play. Louis and I's jaws dropped with a smile. "Ready?" Louis asked. "Take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape!" We both sang our lungs out in an awful pitch. When we got home, we bursted through the door singing the same part. I heard the boys shriek, mostly Zayn. "Niall, grab the knife!" Liam cried from the living room. "No, wait! It's only us!" Louis and I warned. The boys ran into the hallway and sighed. "Oh, we thought it was Natasha Bedingfield. God, I hate that woman." Niall growled, holding up his fist. "Niall, hating someone? You must really dislike her." I explained. Niall scowled. "I spam her Twitter with hate messages everyday under the name of-I can't tell you." He explained. I snickered and hugged him. "I won't let her put you in her pocket full of sunshine." I promised, holding his head to my chest. 

We walked into the kitchen and the boys sat down at the counter. "So how was the fair?" Harry asked. I smiled and grabbed my yellow flowered apron. "Pretty fun. But tell what happened, Louis." I explained, mashing the meatball meat in a big metal bowl. "What happened?" The boys asked. Louis sighed. "A fan came up to me today and rudely asked for an autograph and I said no. It's my break, I deserve time off." He explained. The boys gave a fake gasp. "I agree with you Boo-Bear." Harry 'flirtatiously' remarked. "I know you do, Hazza." Louis grumbled, playing with Harry's curls. I raised my eyebrow. "Someone looks jealous." Liam joked. I scowled at him. "I'm not gay!" Harry promised. I did a pouty lip. "I know your not." Louis cleared his throat and I went back to cooking. "Who wants to help shape the meat balls?" I asked. All the boys began shouting. I laughed and had them put on aprons. "Look I'm a woman." Niall joked. I smacked him across the head and began to make pasta. I stirred the noodles a few times. The boys were across from me, working at the counter, facing their backs on me. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. "Hello, Love." Harry whispered into my ear. I smiled. "Hi, Harry, quick before Louis sees." I explained, planting my lips on his. "I've been waiting for that all day." He whispered, letting go. 

"No, Zayn you don't shape the meat into a hair spray bottle." I explained, taking the meat out of his hands. He gasped as I smushed it back into a ball. "Thats it, out of my kitchen!" He cried. I laughed and hugged his side. "It's for the best." I explained, going over to the stove. After the sauce, pasta, and meatballs were done, we all sat at the table and began to eat. "I almost forgot!" Harry shouted, getting up out of his seat. "What is it?" I asked. Harry turned the television on to channel four. "Breaking news, a young man named Blaine Anderson was arrested late this afternoon and put behind bars." The young female news reporter explained. "But wasn't this was weeks ago?" I asked. The boys held their fingers to their lips. "You see, he and a young girl, Darcy Tomlinson, were on a date. Now I'm not allowed to name where, but he lead her into an alley and began to assault her. Charges were pressed later this afternoon by none other, Harry Styles." She announced. Harry turned off the television and smiled at me. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Thank you." I whispered. "Anything for you," he whispered back. Louis cleared his throat. "I think its time for bed." He mumbled. Harry and I looked at each other. "I'll clean up!" Zayn shouted over the awkwardness. I grimaced at him. "Thanks, Zayn." I looked over at Louis, he looked pained and confused. I sighed and walked out. 

As I walked up the stairs, someone took my waist. "Where are you going, Love?" Harry asked. We finished walking up the stairs. "I've missed you all day." He said, pulling me in by my waist. "I thought about you the whole day." I whispered. He smiled and nibbled on my hear. I began to laugh. "Harry!" I giggled. He smiled and did it again. I ran into my bedroom and closed the door. Harry used all his force to open it. He started grunting. I pushed with all my might. Was he really winning? When he got in, he picked me up by my thighs and carefully flopped me on the bed. I laughed and kissed him. "Oh, Harry, I love you." I giggled he laid down next to me and smiled. "I love you too, Darcy." 

I got up and grabbed my pajamas from my dresser. Pulling out a baseball-like shirt and short red shorts, I walked into the bathroom and changed. Harry was humming "Viva La Vida". I walked out and Harry was already changed in his boxers. "Night," I said, giving his bare chest a hug. He held me for a few seconds longer. "Good night, Darcy," he mumbled into my hair. 

I left the room and walked into Louis's. He was laying on the bed reading a magazine. "Good night, Louis," I said, pulling the blankets over me. He looked over in my direction and smiled. "Good night baby sis." He said. "You don't mind if I read until I fall asleep?" "No, I don't mind." I explained. "Are you okay?" I added. Louis looked at me shocked. "Yeah, why?" I knew he was lying. I could see the confusion and pain in his face. "You just seem unsure about something?" I explained. Louis gave me a sympathetic look. "You are so kind." Louis explained. I looked over at him and kissed his cheek. "And you are the best brother I could ever have." I meant it. He was always on my side, even when I was wrong. Well, except the Harry thing. But he's just doing his job, being a protective brother. 

*Harry's P.O.V*

It was around ten thirty when I woke up to a rumbling stomach. I've never been so hungry, oh no, what if I turn into Niall? I don't want to be short. I climbed out of the bed Zayn and I were sharing. After I put on my nickers, I quietly walked down the stairs. The only noise was the heater, buzzing away like it owned the place. I tip toed into kitchen and turned on the light. I slowly walked over to the fridge. There was a picture of Darcy on the front. Why is she so beautiful? She was standing in front of a boat that conveniently said Darcy. She was dressed just like Louis. I sighed and kissed the picture. I scanned inside of the fridge, after grabbing a chocolate pudding cup, I closed the fridge. As I turned around to grab a spoon, Louis was casually sitting on the counter. "Boo Bear! Don't scare me like that!" I shout whispered, holding my chest. He bit his lip and pointed to a seat. "I need to talk to you." He clarified. I swallowed deeply and took a seat. Louis stood in front of me. "I wanted to talk to you about Darcy." Louis explained. I nodded my head. "Do you love her?" That was a pretty obvious question. "With all my heart," I answered. "Would you ever hurt Darcy in anyway?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, sir!" "Good," he mumbled. "Then you have my blessing." He announced. A huge smile spread across my face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I whispered, picking him up and spinning him around.

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