Chapter Eight-Night, Love

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Louis began pacing around the room, messing up his hair. "I think its time for bed." He announced, stopping and staring at everyone. It was eleven at night, so we didn't want to upset Louis anymore. I looked over at Harry while Louis turned in the other direction to turn the t.v. off. "Want to have a sleepover?" I ask. Harry winked, and bent over to my ear. "You bet cha" Louis turned around and Harry snapped away. Everyone left the living room. I began to walk up the stairs with Harry, who was behind me. "Harry, can I have a word?" Louis requested. Harry looked at me once more and blushed. "Yeah, okay." Harry said, walking down the stairs again. I finished walking up the stairs and hid behind the wall to hear. "Harry, I wanted to thank you. You risked your life to save my baby sister's own. I don't know how I could ever repay you." Louis said in gratitude. Harry nudged his shoulders up then down. "No big deal." He smiled. "But this is a big deal! If it were someone else who was witnessing that, they would run. Anything is yours now." Louis promised. I heard Harry chuckle and give Louis a hug. "I don't want you to repay me, but there is something I would like to be done." Harry stated. "Anything, you name it." Harry sighed. "When the time comes I'll ask." Louis laughed. "Deal." They both walked over to the stairs. I got up off the floor and ran into my room, over to my dresser.

Harry and Louis walked in. "Hey, guys." I said. They both smiled and waved. I walked over to Louis and gave him a goodnight hug. "Night, Firefly!" He chuckled. I gasped. "Louis, I told you before not to call me that!" I quietly shouted, playfully slapping his arm. "Go to bed before I hide all the carrots." I explained.  Louis ran out of the room as fast as possible. Harry closed the door and flirtatiously walked over to me with his hands in his pockets. He pulled me into a hug. "I have to go get ready." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck. He did the same to my waist and kissed me. "I miss you already." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and kissed his cheek. After picking out a long gray Victoria's Secret night tee I pulled out a pair of light green booty shorts and walked into my bathroom. After hopping into the shower, I began cleaning my cuts and bruises. The soap made my open cuts burn. I carefully washed my bloody head with lavender scented shampoo.  I got dressed and blow dried my hair. I left the bathroom and Harry walked in to take his turn. I smiled at him as he closed the two doors. He stopped the doors for a second. "Darcy, what did Louis mean by Firefly?" He asked. I crossed my leg and ran my fingers through my hair. "When I was little, I chased fireflies  and one went up my nose and the others got stuck in my baby curls." I explained. Harry tilted his head back and chuckled. "Wait, you had curls too?" I nodded. "Like an afro."

Harry walked out in nothing but a towel around his waist. "Harry!" I giggled, holding my hands around my eyes and falling backwards on the bed. He laughed and grabbed a pair of boxers. "Bam, you just got pregnant." He said, pointing at me. I chuckled and dragged him to bed. I laid down and turned the lamp off. Harry carefully pulled me into his bare chest and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled close into him and faced him. "I wouldn't trade this night for the world." Harry whispered. I smiled and nuzzled closer. "Why are you so perfect?" I asked, looking into Harry's twinkling eyes. He chuckled. "I think I fell into a pool of perfection when I was a baby and so did you." He explained. I giggled. "I'm not perfect, Harry." I explained. Harry's face went serious. "To me your like an angel from Heaven." He stated, kissing my forehead. "Yeah, an angel that got kicked out of Heaven for being too u-" I began but Harry finished for me. "For being too beautiful!" He announced. I smiled into his chest and kissed his heart. He smiled and pulled me into his body closer. "This feels so right." He said, resting his cheek on the top of my head. "And your hair smells like lavender." He stated. He was right, we were like two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly. I know that this is the first day of us being in a relationship, be he is so important to me. "Night, Love," Harry mumbled. "Goodnight," I replied back, kissing his soft lips. He quietly groaned in pleasure when my lips were on his.

I woke up, still in Harry's arms. It was around eight in the morning and I tried to get up. Harry's grip around me grew tighter and tighter as if he was gripping for his life. "Don't leave me, my love." He groaned in his sleep. Damn, his morning voice is infectious! I sighed and kissed his lower lip. "Much better." He mumbled. I put my hand on his chest and fell back to sleep. About an hour later I woke up. Harry was still asleep. I sat on top of him and kissed his lips. "Good morning, Harry!" I said. He rolled over on his stomach and grunted into his pillow. "Come on lazy bones its time to start a new day." I explained, playing with his curls. He pulled the blankets over his head, I sighed. "You know, if I leave the bed before you, I won't be the first thing you see." I explained. Harry lifted the sheets from his face and opened his eyes. "Morning, Darcy!" He said, sitting up. I giggled and put my hand on his jaw line. He winked and pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds of kissing. Harry's expression went a little longing. "Kiss me again." He whispered looking deep into my eyes and pulled me closer  by my waist. I nodded and kissed him slowly on the lips. Our lips began moving together at the same time. He ran his fingers through my soft hair. We slowly pulled away, looking into each others eyes. "I will never get enough of your kiss." Harry explained, swiping a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled and got up. 

After changing into a pink cropped sweater showing my belly button and wearing tan jeans I put my long hair up in a purposely messy pony tail. Harry winked and we walked down the stairs together. We were the first one in the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. Harry tapped his index finger on his chin and began humming. "Pancakes and ham?" He asked with hope. "Okay. But you have to help by flipping the pancakes." I joked, grabbing the pancake mix out of the cabinet. Harry began searching for a flat frying pan. "Third cabinet to your left." I said, pointing to the cabinet. "Psh, I knew that!" He joked. "Love, how do I start a microwave?" He asked. "Harry, that is a stove." I said, flicking the blue fire. "Again, I knew that!" I giggled and began mixing the batter. "Hey, can I see some of that flour?" Harry asked. I nodded. Harry put his hand in the bowl and began throwing flour at me. I squealed and began throwing back. "Ah, Harry!" I laughed. We started running around the kitchen throwing the powder in every direction. Harry walked over to me and wiped a splat of flour off my cheek and kissed me. I played hard to get. "You're cleaning this up!" I laughed. Harry chuckled and nodded. I handed him a broom and towel. He began to sweep. I laughed when he looked up at me with the are you kidding me look. "You missed a spot." I said, pointing at a speck of flour. He chuckled and swiped it away. I went back to mixing the batter. "Done!" He shouted, throwing his hands up in victory. I smiled. "Well done Mr. Styles! Well done!" I shouted. "Here is your prize." I said walking over to him with my hands behind my back. "A kiss?" He asked. I shook my head. "Even better." I whispered. Harry raised his eyebrow. "Whats better than a kiss?" He asked. I smiled and handed him a spatula. "Oh, can I still have a kiss?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded. 

Harry began flipping the pancakes, but failed to do so. "Arg!" He shouted, dropping a pancake. I bent over and laughed. "Oh, if you think this is so funny why don't you try?" He announced, handing me the spatula. I took it and flipped a pancake. "How did you do that?" He asked. "It's all in the wrists." I explained. "Here let me show you." I said. I handed him back the spatula and walked behind him and wrapped my arms around him to reach his hands. I felt him go warm when my hand touched his. "Flip." I said. He motioned his hands and it worked. He flipped a pan cake! "Yes, what!" He shouted jumping up and down.

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