Chapter Forty-Darcy Tomlinson Styles

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Today is the day. The day I'm getting married. My eyes flickered open when my draped windows unraveled. "Time to get up! Today's the day!" Gina beams. She's awake. I rubbed my temple and slowly got out of my bed. "Want some help?" She asked, grabbing my arm. I nodded and swiped my hair out of my face. "I had a horrible dream last night." I explained, as she opened the door and walked me into the dining room. "What happened?" She asked. "Everything was the opposite and the priest was a Peacock." I confessed. The room started laughing. Keira was putting Eleanor's hair in a bun while she was zipping Danielle's dress while Danielle curled Gemma's hair. It looked like a tango line. "That does sound frightening." Gemma confessed. I chuckled and grabbed my wedding dress box. Once I slipped out of my pajamas, I pulled on my undergarments and Gina laced up the back of my dress. I put on the garter and some shorter heels.

"I call doing her hair!" Keira claims. "Well, I get to do her makeup!" Eleanor added. I chuckled and walked over to Keira. "Lead me the way." She grabbed my arm so I don't trip over my lovely dress and leaded me to her bathroom. "Keira, I'm scared." I whimpered. She sighed. "You're going to do great." She perks. "It's not just the marrying part...It's the Honeymoon too. You know what happens there." I explained. She gasped and held her hand to her mouth. "You're a virgin!" She gasped. I blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to save myself for the right man." I explained. She smiled and nodded. "That is the right thing to do, I wish I did that." She confessed. "What's it like?" I asked. "A pain in the butt, literally, but what ever you do, do not worry. That will make it painful." I nodded and she finished putting my hair in a loose bun.

 I walked over to Eleanor's bathroom, she was arranging everything she needed. "You ready?" She asked. I nodded and sat down. "Stop shaking!" She whined. "I can't, I'm too nervous." I explained. "You two are like an old married couple." Gemma explained, walking by the door. I nervously chuckled. Once my makeup was done, the girls followed me into my room to look in the full body mirror. Everyone, even me, gasped. "You look gorgeous!" Mum began to teared. "I can't ruin my makeup." She added. I did look gorgeous. The simple white flowers were extra detail now that I was wearing my makeup and my hair done. Lottie walked over and put a small vail on the back of my bun. My features were marvelously shadowed to show my true beauty. The dress showed my waist's perfect curves. I looked...Sexy yet elegant.

When I turned around, Lottie and Daisy came bouncing in with their dresses on. They looked beautiful. "Hello my little princesses!" I smiled, they walked over to me and gasped at my sight. "You look like a queen!" Daisy squealed. I chuckled. "And you two look like beautiful princesses." I added. They were both wearing matching white dresses. They were thick sleeved and butterflies covering the bottom. "Come on, we need to get to the church." Gina said, pointing at the clock. "You can do this." Keira whispered into my earrings. I nodded and we left the hotel in a rented car. 

We got to the Notre Dame Cathedral. Outside, hundreds of cars were parked for our wedding. It was the managements idea. Celebrities are here, so are family and friends. When the driver parked our car, everyone hopped out and Gina helped me with me and my dress. I grabbed Danielle's arm and we all walked up to the front doors. Thankfully, we were ten minutes early. Gina stopped us and looked through the doors to see if Harry was anywhere near. "Come on," she whispered.  We all walked through the doors. "Is my hair okay?" I asked Danielle. "Perfect." When I turned around, I saw Louis. He looked rather dashing in his suit, but he also had tears in his eyes. "You look like an angel." He teared. I bit my glossed lip. "You're going to make me me destroy Eleanor's creation." I said, on the verge of tear. "Places people!" The manager of the wedding announced. I grabbed Louis's arm and looked over my tall cousin shoulder. I could see the top of Harry's head. He was sort of shaking. 

The piano, organ and Violins began to sound. A scarce expression spread across my face. "Don't worry, Harry's as much nervous as you are." Louis whispered. I nodded and watched Phoebe and Daisy scatter red and white roses across the red carpet. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie awed at them, taking as many pictures possible. God, I hope they don't adopt them. Once my bridesmaids and Harry's grooms walked down the aisle, it was finally our turn. I looked over at Louis and he winked me good luck. 'Turning Page By Sleeping At Last' began to play. It was the instrumental version. Louis and I began to glide. Left foot, right foot. The guest all gasped at my beauty. Now, many photos were being taken. I looked from the ground, at Harry. His eyes were dazzeling with longing. When I made eye contact, he began to grin like he's been waiting for this for a decade. I looked over at Louis who was now crying. I smiled as he let go of my arm. He stopped for a second and kissed my cheek. "Take care of my sister." He whispered to Harry. He nodded and Louis walked away. This moment was magical. My stomach felt like it was rising twenty feet in the air. "Hello, beautiful." Harry smiled. I blushed and walked up the steps to the priest. The music stopped and everyone went silent. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony." The priest announced. Harry and I glanced over at each other a few times during his say. "Will you, Harold Edward Styles take Darcy Jane Tomlinson to be your wife?" Harry blushed. "I do." Those words vibrated in my mind. "Will you Darcy Jane Tomlinson take Harold Edward Styles to be your husband?" I smiled. "I do." "Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." There was a silents, until the two doors open. "I object!" 

It was Blaine. He ran down the aisle, causing people to gasp and lights flicker. "Darcy, baby, please take me back!" He begged. Louis and Liam held him back. "Go, Blaine, we've been done for years." I explained. "This isn't the last time you'll see me!" He cried as the securities dragged him out to the screaming fans. I looked over at Harry whos jaw was clentched.

"Anyway's, Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together forever? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" Harry smiled. "I will." I know that is true. The priest turned to me. "Wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together forever? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?" I nod. "I will." The priest grabbed Harry and my own hands to link together. "I Harry take thee Darcy to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and thereto I plight thee my troth." The priest nodded. "I Darcy take thee Harry to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and thereto I give thee my troth." Niall's little cousin trotts down the aisle giggling and squealing like a toddler with the ring pillow. Once he came up to us, Liam grabbed a ring and handed it to Harry. "With this ring." Harry held it up. "I promise to love and to cherish you until the death do us part." I blush as he put it on my right hand. "Other hand." I whispered. He nodded and switched hands. It was an even larger diamond, plain yet beautiful with one diamond only. I then made my vow to Harry.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest announced. Harry carefully kicked me off my heals, holding me by the waist and locking his lips with mine. This was the best moment of my life. The organ began to play, and Harry and I ran down the aisle while people threw rice at us. I giggled and ran out of the church. Security guards held screaming fans back as we hopped into the limo...

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