Chapter 1

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School, a teenager's worst enemy in life. Waking up on mondays with your annoying alarm ringing in your ears all the time. I think this is the 5th time i broke it ( and yes im sure its on purpose )

The ray of light shone upon me. The thick shades of curtains didnt seem to block the sunlight. Slowly carrying myself out of bed as my feet touched the icy-cold wooden tiles while shivering on the spot.

I went around to look for my glasses that appeared to be on my worktable that night where i took it off. Looking around, i noticed that none of these were my things in my room. It was strange.. and unfamiliar.. I couldn't remember anything.. then, I see him on the bed with me. Silver-platinum hair with pale white skin and long eyelashes. Strong, well trained body with mascular features beside me, sleeping next to me.
As soon as i recalled,
I stood up, but a strong grip from my arms made me fell down to the silver white sheets of the bed.
" good morning darling " a sly smile appeared


Chatter, chatter, chatter. Chirping, tweeting and loud noises of laughter. Pink mist and petals falling to the ground one by one,
Spring has finally come.

" ew gross, you look like some lovestruck High school girl.." Yurio stomped his feet beside Yuuri so that he could gain attention from the man who was laying his head on the table, looking at the view through the window.
Yuuri's reactions were slow enough as he turned his head to see Yurio's angry face.

" Problem?.." Yuuri gave him a look back in the eye, Yurio was certainly not accepting Yuuri's reply.

" we are in high school "

" but you obviously aren't a love struck high school girl! "

" you can't just assume people's gender like that.. I COULD be a lovestuck high school boy though "
Yuuri gave him a little smile that annoyed the hell out of him. Yurio rolled his eyes and went back to his seat, regretting for ever even communicating with the Japanese male earlier.
Yuuri doze off again, wandering off to his imagination land. Though, the chatters and voices around him were loud enough, he could even hear the ' whispers ' ringing through his ears. Along with cackling and yelling with objects being thrown to each other.
Definitely the loudest class in the entire building.
The poor boy just wanted peace.

Suddenly, the students scrambled around the room like ants, finding their seats as they heard the teacher's voice. When his silhouette passed through the curtains and glass windows were shown to the students at the east side of the room. Along with another person's shadow too.

Everyone became silent when their teacher approached their homeroom, sliding open the door,
Just to have a pail of water to fall on his head.
All the students started laughing except for otabek and Yuuri. One or two fell off from their chair snorting like crazy with tears on their eyes. Tears of joy.

" WHO'S RESPONSIBLE?! " He yelled as he demanded for answers, but the whole class ignored him anyway. That's how everyone was told to stand on their table as punishment, as well as taking off their shoes and socks.
Yet, some were still talking VERY loudly. He obviously had enough of us and just proceeded on with something.

" there's a new guy who's going to be in your class starting today, greet him properly and NO SHOUTING " Mr. Yakov furrowed his eyebrows, leaving such a pissed expression as he waved his hands calling the new person to come in.

" I'm honored " a mellow and deep yet sweet voice spoke up, with heavy russian accent. Everyone had finally shut their mouths and were curious to see the new student. nearly more than 50% of the class started blushing as he entered the room. Especially the ladies where they started brushing their hair with god-knows what.. a pencil?.. that's not how you attract a new student.
Blue eyes that shone, that showed the abyss of the deep blue ocean.
Unique short and silky Silver-platinum colored hair. Muscular and athletic body features along with his smooth and white skin. He was obviously handsome.. and Ahh.. those jawlines..

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now