chapter 10

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" ... Do you feel a bit better now? " victor asked the man who had his head leaned against his shoulders. As he nodded in reply while sobbing and sniffing. Victor, for one he knew that something is making yuuri so depressed, anxious and afraid. But he didn't knew what caused it.
That kind of feeling..
Made his body tingle a little.
" are you comfortable enough to tell me your problems?.. " Victor smiled at yuuri.
The Japanese male shook his head, therefore, closing his eyes. He wasnt ready to tell everything yet.
As victor wiped yuuri's tears with his index finger carefully and softly, fearing that he could leave a scratch on his eyes from his sharp nails.

The two students who completely ignored each other and acted like none of them existed for weeks just a moment ago were already sitting on the corner of the classroos. As they were embracing each other.

" Im sorry Victor.. For shouting at you earlier.." yuuri cuddled up against him, feeling guilty from ever ignoring his first friend he made this year. He shivered on the spot, thinking what would happen between the both of them next.

" it's alright " Victor said as he smirked gently. The two of them had so much questions to ask for each other, but for the time being, they decided to give it a rest and wanted peace for themselves for a moment. Until Victor spoke up his very words which was after 5 minutes of comfort.

" did.. You ignore me because of the picture?.."

" what picture..? With the wine stains? " yuuri looked at him with a confused expression. The male Russian student grasped his own hands tightly as he slowly nodded, taking ' yes ' for the answer. Then, yuuri shooked his head in dismay. Which led Victor into pure satisfaction and relief.
" .. I think that picture might be their work too.. But, I saw you taking that picture away from the security guard, it couldn't be yours is it?.. My.. Face?.. And phichit's face getting scribbled out "

He felt a bit surprised
" of course not, I just wanted to throw it away so people won't be too curious of that case.. " he hid himself.
Yuuri blinked and stared at him for a while and proceeded to look at his watch again. 6:23?.. Thats rather late for students.. ( even though they went skating together without frickin permission from their own parents the first day they met)

Yuuri's POV

I looked at my watch and shivered a bit, looking at how little time I've had left before 6:30 p.m. I wonder if Victor noticed that.. It always seems like he was busy jotting down notes, well I could've known better. of course, he's the perfect student that proved the school better in just two weeks. That perfect student?.. Is now wrapping his arms around me, caressing the weak me, hugging my weak state. I felt so ashamed, I swore to myself I'd protect myself instead of people protecting me again.. Just like how phichit tried to help me. As I repeat again, for the hundredth time, I don't want it to happen again.

" I'm sorry for avoiding you.. Again.. But I really have my reasons, I'm really sorry " Victor giggled at yuuri's speech.

" how close we were from the first day you an I met so suddenly, it felt just like a blind date, then suddenly.. After that, you ignored me like I wasn't the perfect man for you, just like a blind date "

6:29 p.m

" um Victor.. I think you should head back home now? Don't want to let your aunt to get worried right? " I smiled a bit, but Cold sweat was streaming down my body.

" about that... I apolagize " Victor grabbed his phone in his pocket and opened his SMS messenger.

" huh?.. " I was shocked by Victor's sudden apology. As he showed me his conversation with his aunt, my jaw dropped and my face quickly went pale.

Today, 3:25 p.m.

Victor: tetka, may I sleep over at my friend's house today? He's the one who gave me a tour around hasetsu.

Today, 3:45 p.m

Victor: thank you tetka :D


" I'm sorry that I have to do this, so this is it, I know that my acts will not be forgiven, I just want to know what is hurting you I swear yuuri- "

Pushy... Just when I thought you'd be the person I'd trust the most.. Just when I thought I'd believe in you and depend on you. Perhaps.. Just maybe.. the past that gave you the biggest impact in your life will keep on haunting you forever. Especially when everybody knows about it. Obviously, victor wouldve known about it soon. When Im ready to tell him everything, when I'm ready.. To tell everything to the first friend I made other than phichit. But no, curiosity kills the cat. He couldn't wait anymore. He can't.. Just.. Why doesn't he ask the other students about me?

I just want to protect you victor

" no.. " I whispered
" no.. No.. No.. No.. No.. No " I panicked. " Victor why " I started crying again.

" I want to protect you yuuri, from your troubles, from everything, let me protect you, I want to- " as he tried to calm me down.

I didn't wanted to hear another word, I quickly grabbed him and went under the teacher's table as I shivered in fear, sitting down closely to Victor. I felt the heat his breath on my face, his lips only a few centimeters to mine.
" I wanted to protect you.. Why do you.. "

" protect me? Or did you just didnt want me to know your secret? Or are you just afraid? " Victor said in disbelieve. Those words triggered me, the truth triggered me to be honest. I stared at his sapphire colored eyes in anger. Not from him, but from the truth.


" Its true.. I am afraid.. But I'm so tired of people protecting me, I don't want to be weak, I want to fight- "

" on your own..? Then what are you trying to do now, carry all those burden by yourself without your lovely family knowing? Not sharing it with anyone? That is the reason why you're still stuck here, you're stuck and is still suffering from whatever you did in the past. That is why you are trapped in this bottomless pit of fear, conquer it and that's how you can be strong and move forward."

" you don't understand.. I- "

6:39 p.m
" victor- "

The door was aggressively beaten, glass shards were shattered everywhere on the floor as a few drips of blood fell.

" YUURI!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, SLUT?! " he exclaimed, shouting roughly.


Victor widened his eyes and looked at yuuri trembling in fear, his pale face showed true fear. He was afraid of everything.

What the hell did you get yourself into, yuuri katsuki?

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now