chapter 6

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the bells chimed to their ears, reminding them to proceed into their first period of class. Yuuri looked at the Russian male with a confused look on his face. Victor moved an inch away to their up closed face, standing up as he cleaned himself after the fall. Hence, a sudden voice were to be heard by both of them as a silhouette crossed by the garden walls revealing a security guard patrolling the gardens   

" class has already started, what are you students doing here? " he carried a book in his hands, warning them to return to their educational base. Victor nodded slowly as he proceed to exit the entrance whilst calling his partner. Yuuri, of course, being obedient, he stood up and followed Victor to the building. A piece of paper slipped from his pocket as he continued to walk, the male security guard saw the piece flying to the ground. Immediately, he grabbed it and called the boys over. 

" Four eyes dropped something.. It looks like a- " Victor snapped and snatched the ' photo ' away from him. His bloodied cold blue eyes locked on to his face, thanking the patrolling male with a harsh demeanor. Even Yuuri was shocked with the change of personality. He couldnt had the chance to see what the guard pointed out, the only thing he knew was that the piece of ' paper ' was very important to Victor. He stood there, curiosity taking over his will. Hence, he was silent and kept his mouth shut, not questioning Victor. 

Soon, both of them entered the class together with the teacher writing old english on the board. She faced Yuuri and Victor, giving them an unpleasant suspense in the classroom. Entering the room for 5 minutes late might be a bad idea after all. They had detention until literature period was over. They stood by the glass window and could hear the students whispering and chanting about them, well mostly about Yuuri. " im sorry yuuri.. its all my fault " Victor said, the japanese male looked at Victor and smiled. " it's not " he muttered under his breath. 

For the last few hours of standing up, the english literature tutor gave them the permission to finally proceed into their classroom as she left for next door. The students looked at Yuuri and began to whisper to each other. Victor noticed it and heard a few words coming out from their mouths. 





Yuuri knew everything, but he remained silent and ignored them. The russian student on the other hand was deeply concerned, but he didnt wanted to bother him about it. The time when they would talk about it would soon come perhaps.

" hey "

" yes? "

Yuuri reached his hand out and patted Victor's shoulders.
" thank you.. For accompanying me.. And caring.. Even though we just met yesterday.. We already did so much things. Thank you Victor " both of them slightly smiled.

" well.. I just wanted to make a good first impression this year "

" you did great " Yuuri chuckled. There was a sweet and cheerful bond made between them. Nonetheless, it was quieter and weaker than the classroom's harsh and cruel vibes. As the bell rang for the next period, they proceeded to take their geography text books out.

Ding dong- the tune of the recess bell chimes into your ears

With enthusiasm, Victor asked Yuuri, who was beside him to accompany him to lunch. Strangely.. He refused in a strange behavior

" I can't today.. "

" why not? " he tilted his head

" I just.. Can't.. I'm sorry, I have business to take care of " he rushed out of the classroom, leaving the poor Russian male hanging with questions. So strange.. How mysterious. Too mysterious.. Too curious..

I'll protect you

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now