chapter 3

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( edit: OK I think I made a few mistakes that I assumed that Yuuri and his family was living in Hasetsu Castle, I really thought so since it was quite confusing for me, I did my researches and my dumbass was wrong the whole time, sorry for the inconvenient matter! So I'm going to redo a paragraph,sorry for confusing y'all! )

" are.. You sure Victor?.. "

" of course! "

" since.. You're always agreeing on everything.. I.. Don't force yourself alright? If you don't like my suggestions you can say no too, don't worry it won't hurt my feelings! I just want you to be comfortable here " Yuuri wore a worried expression on his face.

" no, these are my feelings too you're talking about, and all your suggestions are lovely! It would be a waste to refuse.. " he gently picked up the flower ( THAT WAS SUPRISINGLY STILL THERE,)
That fell onto his dark raven hair earlier.

" since when?? "

" I don't know " Victor chuckled as he pretended not to know as he kept the flower inside his pocket.
Yuuko approached them with two pairs of skates while she lead them to the rink.
It was certainly a wide, huge space, anyone could feel free if they skated on it. Yuuri sat on a bench as he puts on his skates. Tying it until he felt the perfect grip.
It took him a few minutes but Victor only did it a few seconds for finding his perfect spot like a professional figure skater.
The way he walked on the ground, with only a piece of metal on land to support his shoes and his body, he felt no pain and he didn't trembled at all.
Yuuri was tumbling around and almost falling. He tried to throw it away by going into the rink but he slammed his face at his first step.
Yuuko giggled, she experienced this kind of thing everyday so she didn't show much of a serious expression.
But Victor stepped RIGHT into the rink and supported Yuuri, with such worried emotions and feelings.

" are you alright?! Do you need help?? "

" n-no..'s okay.." Yuuri pushed him away gently and started skating away slowly. His cheeks were crimson red. in his thoughts, he was about to show a good first impression on ice, but the same thing just happened on land. Bad impressions..
He raised his bangs and felt a slight injury on his head, only a scratch though.

' THIS IS SO EMBARRASING, I WANT TO DIE OH GOD I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO DIE WHAT IMPRESSION WAS THAT OH GOD ' Yuuri's face became hotter and redder. The embarrassed feeling will never go away. Suddenly, he felt a slight touch on his shoulders. He turned around and saw Victor at the back of him as the man grabbed his wrist.

" Do you waltz on ice? " Victor asked, happily dragging him to the center.

" WHAT?? N-n-no!! I'm terrible at waltz and skating! If I trip and fall again I'm.. Just going to embarrass myself.. Again.. In front of you.. And you said it's been so long since you skate.. You did everything so proffesionally "

Victor gave him a silent treatment. The atmosphere was definitely awkward since Yuuri refused his offer.
Both of them agreed to leave the ice castle for the day since it was 7.00 p.m which is quite late for them.
They obviously wouldn't get comfortable with each other for the first day they just met. It's surprising that they would go skating together. Especially for Yuuri, he was quite the introvert so getting comfy with a new guy so fast isn't just like him. Being jumpy, shy and embarrassed around Victor is just going to lead the new student to annoyance, or he thought so.

They sat on the bench while taking off their knife shoes. A weird sound suddenly came in presence, where he found out it came from Victor's stomach.

" want to grab a bite at my house? " Yuuri offered

" sure, ill text my aunt to tell her I'm gonna be late today " Victor took out his phone and started typing.
Yuuri offered Yuuko to come along with them too, but she politely refused since she had a few works to do at her house. Then, after a few minutes, Victor had a wide smile across his face that looked as innocent as a child.
The Russian male explained that his aunt was quite proud of him to make a friend on the first day of school even though it wasn't surprising at all.. As they continued to go forward to the end of their tour, they gave Yuuko a goodbye.

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now