chapter 15

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When I was a child, I thought that I could be friends with everyone in the world. But that kind of attitude made everyone hate me. My fragile heart and weak state made me a subject for bullying. I never told the teachers about it, I never wanted to. Because I knew, my bullies were so angry and sad, depressed and forgotten. They just didn't know how to control their anger. They wouldn't bully me if nothing happened to them otherwise, they had wanted to live a happier live and be strong for themselves. I loved it when people smile, I loved it when they laughed and I felt sad that they didn't had the chance to eat pork cutlet bowls with their family. So, i didn't mind that they kicked me, punched me, hit me, tear my books, throw my table. Then place their innocence was still put without them getting caught.
It was so painful, it was so painful.. But I loved everyone so much, I wanted to care for them so much. That I forgot to love me. At least they're happy..

As it continues on even in high school. Where their happiness made my life and another's life in danger. I never knew making people happy can bring so much sorrow in me. I was, and also is.. Very stupid.

( chapter 1: Yuuri's Past)

2 years ago

" yuuri " a faint voice from afar, called him out.
" yuuri! " she yelled. The raven haired male slowly began to open his eyes, as he tried to reach his glasses that was a few meters away from his bed. Slowly inhaling and exhaling the air.

I went downstairs slowly with my head trying to process everything as I just woke up from a really nice sleep. I could say I was still half-asleep and wasn't that enthusiastic as my mother for the opening ceremony in high school. Yet, deep inside I could sense that it would be quite a great year. Maybe better than junior high. Well, I really do hope so..

" stupid brother of mine, wake up earlier when you know that you have to! " Mari roared at me from afar with her hands filled with boxes of alcohol beverages. Well, only rice wine to be specific. She went to and fro stomping on the wooden floor, taking away the delivered rice wines into the kitchen with my mother busy, cooking up ordered menus by our usual customers.
" I'm going " I exclaimed, expecting a
' good bye '
' good luck ' or maybe ' you haven't ate your breakfast yet '. That's what mom would always say, she cares for us a lot. Me, mari-nee, dad and the customers and also vicchan.
Expecting those words to be heard to freshen my day, it seemed like mom didn't hear me at all. She's probably busy in the kitchen, so that's okay. At least I got a ' don't get hit by a car ' by Mari.

As soon as I stepped outside, placing myself on the pavement. Emotions, distress and anxiety suddenly bundled up inside my stomach. I clearly knew I was going to get nervous at the first day- but not this nervous.
Maybe I'm just stressing myself too much when there isn't even anything to be stressed about,  I said.
It will all be fine, you're just over thinking I thought.
With those words in mind, I took a deep breath and went forward.

Despite being a bit late, I slowly went towards the pavement. Each step was slow, there was no energy or confidence, rather than positivity there was only cower and freight.
Before I knew it, the building was right in front of my eyes. The actual thing, existing and visible made me feel intimidated by it's presence.

The sound of the bells ringing in my ears,
The speaker that enhanced the volume of the principal's voice.
The pink-filled flowers that bloom healthily on the branches, with only a few seconds to spare from being alive. Yet, how can such beauty fall? and get stomped on without a single care.
Everything scares me,
Because it's my fault.
I couldn't handle the truth.
Now I can only hear my heart beat as I closed my eyes and sat on the chair, in between students who were just like me.
the students in charge lead us through the entire building including the gym, washrooms, storages and etcetra. To be honest, it's quite amazing for a small town like hasetsu.  The land was rich with greens and they took care of everything properly, especially the garden ( that they treasure so much).
I think I'm probably going to love it here, if I could.
As we arrived to our final destination which is our classroom to start first period. They left us knowing that we were knowledgeable enough to understand the rules and process.
Then, started the ' getting to know each other ' process.
He started talking to me.

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