chapter 9

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" YUURI!! " Victor jolted, his nerve systems proceeded to give him a shock due to his given nightmares. Victor, deeply concerned as he awoke from his slumber, sweating heavily on the bed as cold air striked towards his pale skin.
Confused, shocked, angry and many other feelings were attacking his emotions, he couldn't operate himself for a second.
he questioned himself as his migraine started to attack. The Russian man reached out his hands to a bottle of pills and gulped maybe two or three of them, which I assume to be pain killers. As he heavily groaned out of pain, regretting how much coffee and pills he took that night.

He looked at his clock that stroke at 3 a.m in the morning. A weird time to be awake at a certain day. Recalling back about yuuri's moans and groans from the toilet in his dreams, or he assumed so it was him. He took a glance at ceiling and fell back to bed, lying there consciously ( and naked) on the wool-made material.
" I wonder why.. " he asked himself as he held the small piece of photo.

" why is it so challenging to achieve you "


Same schedule, same mornings, same routine and same faces for it is Friday. Simply packing his books into his school bag. yuuri went into the dining room and saw a few recognizable customers dining in their breakfast early morning.
" oya, yuuri? Aren't you up rather early to go to school? " one of the customers, which was one of yuuri's relative exclaimed.
" Ive got something to take care of! " yuuri answered, slightly smiling while he was about to leave the house to school, very very early.

" yuuri?? You're off too early! At least stay for a while and eat something, I'll cook up something for you, I'm almost done with the eggs " his mother from the kitchen exclaimed, waiting for his reply while cooking egg whites for the family.
" I'm so sorry mama, I'm in a hurry right now! Besides, I don't want to gain anymore weight " yuuri silently muttered to himself at the last phrase, making his mom unable to hear him.

" your bento? " she questioned
" don't worry, I'll buy food from school " he replied
" make sure you eat something healthy okay? "
" yes mom " he looked at mama hiroko and gave her a big smile before going off.

" I wonder if that child is really eating? He looks like he lost a lot of weight recently " she asked to herself worried. Not once he saw him finish his food in the recent year, as she started to become more concerned.
" maybe he's just trying to lose weight for his crush or something like that " Mari told her mother, acting like she got it from past experience, ( which was true)

" huh, youngsters these days, why change yourself and love that person if that person you love isn't going to accept for who you are? "


Yuuri stepped into the academy grounds as he went into the men's washroom with a depressed look on his face. Biting his lips as he glanced his front view bitterly, taking off his bag. He went closer, and closer.

" I don't want it to happen anymore " he whispered to himself.

Greeted by a whole group of female and male students, shouting to be noticed by the hot Russian male. Victor waved his hands as his admirers had their hearts soften a lot. That 10 million dollar smile will never get beaten down, just for a
Two weeks and he was already this typical popular main character. Entering the classroom after getting greeted by half of the school. Therefore, sitting beside the infamous yuuri katsuki with his unraveled mystery and empty seat.
Everyone was there except for him,

Suddenly, Victor spied a group of students looking at yuuri's seat, chuckling and giggling as they smirked.
" it's ' that ' all right "
" you think it's ' that? ' "
" filthy whore "
" should've never existed! " they laughed off.
Victor didn't knew what was going on but he felt deeply offended for some reason. As if.. They're talking about yuuri.
With high expectations, the door slid open as the bell rang, only to reveal Mr. Yakov there in person to continue their session. Could it be that yuuri was at home?..


The raven haired Japanese male slid the door open before Mr. Yakov could mark their attendance. Panting and shivering, dripped with sweat, yuuri apologized desperately to the English teacher for being late, once again.

" this is the 5th time! " he scolded him endlessly, proceeding to ever bring the subject of Einstein. Which surprisingly worked.. As Victor looked at yuuri with that disturbed expression on his face, how amused he felt, excitement throbbing into his veins.

Yuuri quickly went to his seat as both of them met their eyes for a moment, then completely ignoring each other.

' why? ' Victor asked to himself

' I can't ' yuuri said to himself.

I'm tired of feeling stupid
This is so frustrating
Please, for today
Just for today

The school ended well, with them contiguously ignoring each other as if they never existed. Yuuri packed his things slowly again today, leaving Victor concerned as he was about to open his mouth, questioning several thoughts.

" why does it feel like you don't even exist " victor asked him bluntly as he arranged his books and papers into a file properly.

" I never wanted to annoy you, that's why I didn't bother to ask you " the Russian male raised his brow and crossed his arms. Looking at the other male with menacing features.
" it's not even logical for us to treat each other like this... Even though we just-"

" Enough victor " yuuri bit his lips.

" why are you so obsessed over me? It's not like we were even old friends, why do you care so much for me even though I treated you like shit for the past few weeks, and we've only met each other for 2 weeks and you're doing this to me.. Why are you concerned for... A whore like me? "

" because you're not " Victor simply replied.

" and I really want to know the reason why everybody treats you like an outsider, why is that? "

The Japanese male suddenly had a sick feeling to his stomach. He felt quite uncomfortable as he made a sour look on his face.

" I don't want to tell you, I don't want to lose you.. "

Victor noticed this right away. Therefore, pulling the other male towards him.

Yuuri.. Are you alright?..

Yuuri katsuki, stood there. Right in front of Victor nikiforov, a river of tears falling down from his cheeks.

If I said I am, id be lying a really big lie..

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now