chapter 14

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" Victor! The futon is ready " yuuri called his attractive ' friend ' who was in his bathing suit, his hair was soaked and wet as water slowly dripped down from his platinum lines of hair. He slowly smiled as he looked at himself on the mirror, a red mark under his eyes and a purple-blue-ish mark on his hands that had been stepped onto earlier.
" I'm sorry.. " yuuri noticed it, he lowers down his head from shame and the pain he caused to Victor.

" no, it's not your fault, how many times do I have to repeat this? " in his deep husky voice, Victor caressed his cheeks soft and slow, he purred flirtatiously as if he was hungry to devour the male in front of him. beginning to feel the rush flowing inside him, as yuuri instantly turned tomato red after Victor softly touched his cheeks with his long slender fingers.
Why was he doing all this?.. Yuuri was confused. Is it because Victor thought that they were one because he'd pour all his secrets on him? Or it was just a foreign greeting of some kind, or.. Anything else at all that could explain such acting. But.. He liked it, he loved it a lot. He loves it when Victor touches him, is it because
Victor was the second one to ever care for him besides his family? That he wanted to steal all his love for himself.

" don't you want to put on some ointments? " he asked, deeply concerned by the bruise he received from the fatal blow.

" you say that, but there are more wounds all over your beautiful face, making your mom worry more and take suspicion too much, didn't you want her to not know? " he carefully examined the wounds all over yuuri's face. The bloody wounds that he got, when those scums thrashed and destroyed his face. Thankfully though, yuuri didn't had any bone fractures or some sort of severe wounds. Quite impressive, his bones were probably at the strongest state.

yuuri took a close look into Victor's eyes, no longer shy or afraid, he wanted to look what Victor really is. The meaning and emotions portrayed,  just like a canvas filled with paint. But looking into it, it was just an empty, cold, canvas.
His eyes reflected the full moon that night, where the windows werent closed down by the curtains yet. They shared a moment of silence, with Victor patiently waiting for the time to come.

" you're going to hate me.. " he backed away in shame.
" it's going to be fine, "
" how can you know? "
" because you never tell "
" because I could never tell anyone.. Even my own parents.. " he bit his lips.

He looked at me in the eyes, his blue orbs glared at me. Wanting to seek the answers that he questioned, the answers that I myself, don't dare to tell. He was so desperate.. He wanted to know so badly. But the question is, why?..
I spent my whole life trying to forget everything. Yet, they suddenly came back to me and haunted me once again. I kept it all to myself, even from my dear family and everyone else. I had already learnt so much by telling my beloved one, the consequences. How he left me to rot away again. How he left me for good, he never wanted to be a part of this, he wanted to be a good friend and help me but the consequences were too hard. He left for good.

This would be the same case as Victor.
If I told him, he'd left, just like him.
He'd be gone, the only person that cares.
But.. I can't keep doing this forever. I had enough of keeping everything, I needed to tell him. Even though, a huge piece of me didnt wanted to, but he was right in front of me, waiting for so long. He waited and waited.
I'm telling this,
To a person who I met for just a month.
Yuuri katsuki,
You've gone so mental.

" I care about you too much " he mouthed, making my cheeks going tinted pink.
" I really do " he grasped my hands tightly.
Oh, I felt like crying so hard, I wanted to fall into his arms and tell him everything and live a happily ever after life, but I knew it wasn't going to be so easy.
In order for I to do such grand resolvement, I needed to tell someone.
Someone like Victor,
Someone who actually knows and cares.

" actually Victor.. I.. "

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now