Chapter 19

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Hi guys I re-read some of the chapters and I know a lot is very confusing, and of course more things are going to get very confusing  but it's okay,I will confirm everything. And explain everything when the time comes :) and im soooo sorry for the very late update. I've become more and more lazy nowadays but please expect more content to go!

" why was it a grave mistake? " his eyes, shimmering and shining like two crystal balls, almost wet but he didn't cry.
" there's so much I need to ask, those students, phichit, the school, your past and definitely you " he grabbed yuuri's hand.
Yuuri fidgeted, it's been weeks since he knew Victor but why did he felt so close to him? So close. Feelings that started to develop more and more, feelings that described something more than friendship, maybe best friends? Lovers? Not even he understands what he felt. He shivered, he felt worried and afraid to tell him the truth, then so.

" he transferred to Thailand and I was left here all alone "

He bit his lips, looking at the doubtful Victor. The Russian student's eyebrows twitching as his fingers tapped on the sheets of the bed, feeling so much doubt and impatience.
" thanks for telling me the truth. "
He said in a charmed voice. There was so much that he needed to know, but there was so little time.
Victor lied beside him, embracing the Japanese male who didn't try to hesitate or refuse his touch. He didn't seem all that uncomfortable too as it seems like.. He wanted to be earned by Victor. What developed as crystals became wet tears streaming down his cheeks. They were so close yet they don't know the slightest bit about each other.
As yuuri shut his eyes, he worried about the picture that he found that day. Could it be red wine as he interpreted or maybe something more vulgar like blood? But nothing can hurt and pain him more than the blood of a friend that he killed with his own hands.
He whimpered softly in the arms of his.
" the guys.. " Victor lightly coughed,
" when the time is right, can you please not lie to me " he whispered.
Yuuri wanted to turn, but he was afraid, like he always was. Whenever should I become brave to confront my fears and protect people I care for instead of them protecting me. Whenever shall I open my feelings out for someone. No one knows who I am. Not even my parents. I'm confined in this empty cage of so many feelings I don't think I can hold much longer, is this why Victor is so close to me? Is it I who lured him in even if I told him not to become too close with me? Is it my fault again?

If I did, I don't even know if I can forgive myself if he's hurt. But then he asked himself again, was it truly him who lured him into his life or was it merely Victor's choice to do so?

At the very next morning, Victor was the first to awake from his slumber. His back and legs aching from the limited space he had. Even so, he didn't really regret his choices. The Russian male yawned softly as he stared on to the futon on the floor, then to the clock. An early 6.00 a.m Saturday morning, wondering if anyone there was already awake. His questions were answered with such speed, by the noise of bowls and spoons clanking and the smell of the nice food made.
He could hear footsteps going up the stairs, rushed and steady as Mari opened the door and shouted for yuuri.

" you know, instead of wondering how big Victor's dick is we could maybe use some help- oh yeah I forgot you were here. hi Victor " The eldest rolled her eyes yet she still kept on wearing such an unemotional-ish expressionless look. But Victor could still see the tire and dread in her eyes.
" Hi Marie " He smiled,
" It's mari you uncultured swine, but whatever, can you wake my little brother up for me please? I got things to take care of as soon as possible. If he doesn't get to the living room 6.30 sharp you're officially in my blacklist " and just like that, she ran off without  giving him a choice of his own.
' well I guess i do have to do it '

He slightly nudged his shoulders, trying to wake the night owl up. After the nudge, a slight punch came. After the punch, a shake was done. After the shake, a vulgar shake was done along with some loud but still sweet voice. But he still wasn't waking up.
As inspiration hit, Victor had an idea and knew.
" You're not a failure " he whispered
Then yuuri broke his snore, with a tired yawn and a sentence following up,
" I sense an untrue statement " as he took his time from lying down to sitting. His body aching from the same reason as Victor's, then managing to give himself a good stretch.
" it was not a statement, it was merely a fact " The Russian male smirked.
The other student chuckled but was still in denial.

" all right, what does Mari want from me? " he asked.

" I don't know, she wanted to meet you at the living room for sure, maybe I could persuade her to take you out today " he winked flirtatiously.
" excuse me? A hangout? So suddenly? " surprised, he was.
" more of a date " he winked once again.

" are you flirting with me? "
" I'm trying to for these past few weeks "
" why? " yuuri smiled.
" what's wrong with it? I just piqued a little interest in you "

Those words..
It struck him so hard.
Weren't those phichit's words? As he clearly remembered. He tried to ignore it, simply to make everything not so depressing and serious all the time. But how much longer can he keep the past haunting his heart?
" I see " yuuri smiled for a while, as he blankly stared at the wooden floor.

" i-i'm gonna take a bath first alright? You can go wash yourself at the onsen, it seems to relax your body for a bit. You've been working hard these few weeks haven't you? Holding up with studies and my attitude "

" oh no darling, you and everyone's attitude " Victor corrected and chuckled. He raised his brow and made a questionable facial expression. After a few moment, he walked off and went towards his desired destination. Victor, aware of his surroundings identified the piece of photo that he had lost. Just lying on Katsuki's bedroom floor. A photo of him, and phichit's scribbled face, along with an unidentified red colored substance flowing at the edges and corner of the picture. Yuuri had seem not to be bothered by it like he always was with everything else, it seems like he was rather concerned by underaged people drinking wine rather than the meaning of this picture. If it really is a normal type of mental health bullying for him every-day in school, then thank god. He could not expect more things further than he could hope so.
He might identify all the lies and truths of the world,
But the present is never the time.
Not until something specific is already achieved.

Then Victor thought,
Even so,
Things were
really dramatic last night. Its nice to see how he is opening up to me more and more. But I need more.. Faster.. Better.. Before I run out of self respect for myself.
He was telling a lot last night.
But that didn't explain why everyone hated him so much as dreadful names could be bestowed upon such an intriguing, so depressed and mysterious guy.
Yuuri Katsuki,
Were you shocked?
I know that you're telling lies to me and yourself, especially yourself.
Because Phichit Chulanont never went back to Thailand.
Because he's already dead.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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