chapter 12

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He blankly stared at the walls, until he regained back his vision but still quite blurry. He found himself lying around somewhere.. Rough.. And dirty. It felt like soil, as he laid his head on the green carpet of grass. The smell of nature and wild insects went through his scents, he took notice of this and immediately went up to find another man beside him. His hands were injured, fill with bruises. It almost looked like it had been stepped on for several times by the looks of it. The wounds and cuts on his hands were shown oh-so visibly as the man lay unconscious beside him. Victor looked at his surroundings in confusion, it was almost like.. They were still in school?
He noticed the magnolia flowers falling onto the ground. Then he realised, they were in the school garden. Locked inside, the gates were shut closely and tight along with a padlock to keep it ' safer '. The Russian male saw their bags scrambled across between the flowers and the trees just a few meters away from them. Victor sighed, his migraine was starting to attack again and it was getting worse by any minute. Eventually, he took his and yuuri's bags while he searched for the pain killers in his old-blue colored bag.
Victor took the pills and gulped them down first hand without any liquid to drink it off from as he laid on the carpet of grass to relax the pain. Yuuri gained back his consciousness and found he and victor locked inside the garden. Devastated, but he felt so clueless because his brain was still trying to figure out everything.
Then, he remembered..
He remembered everything.
But victor wasn't to witness it happening.
Thank God.

Yuuri's raven hair shone under the light of the full moon. He stood up and approached the lying, angry and confused victor.
" stop trying to keep things away from me.. " victor felt like crying, but he couldn't. Because he didn't wanted to, and just, couldn't.
" please tell me the truth.. Who were they? " victor bit his lips as he stared at the night sky, not even bothering to make eye contact with yuuri at all.

" I.. Don't want to, you'll hate me, you'll get disgusted, you won't.. Be beside me anymore " yuuri feared again. He answered the Russian male hesitantly, not wanting to tell victor everything made victor.. Mad.

" I'm so mad.. But happy.. I don't know what to feel " victor exclaimed, shutting his eyes with his arms and proceeded to sigh again.
" I finally got to meet you.. " victor whispered out silently.
" you never tell me anything " he looked at the raven haired male and grabbed his arms.

" please.. Yuuri, tonight.. Please tell me everything.. " he pleaded as he took a glance at Yuuri's chestnut colored eyes, admiring the scene. By then,
" Ill try my best.. But for now, we have to find our way out, are you healthy enough to function your body? " yuuri asked the Russian male.

" Da, maybe.. We could jump over the walls..? It seems quite tall though "

" the storage room nearby has a ladder in it, let's just hope it's not locked " yuuri suggested. Therefore, walking towards the storage room for keeping gardening equipments, he budged the doorknob and thankfully, it was open. But no ladder at all.
Yuuri stayed silent for a minute and looked at victor.

"I'm sorry... " he sighed.
" I'm the one who got you into this.. I'm so sorry victor.. I'm so sorry " the Japanese male hated himself for this, for risking Victor's life and for mixing him up in his personal matters.
" no.. You shouldn't.. I'm the one who pressured you.. Because of my own selfish desires, "

Weirdly, why would they lock them up? Why wouldn't they lock them up in the classroom instead of the garden. So many questions yet so little answers and time. But they knew that their main focus for now is to escape.

8. 30 P.M.

The bushes. Going through the bushes was also a good suggestion but who might have thought it had walls at the back too.
Yuuri opened his phone to find 52 miss calls and 68 messages from his mom, he had forgotten his family, how much trouble he brought to so much people. He continued on hating himself.
Unfortunately, there wasn't any service around that night so he couldnt call or text back.
Leaving that aside, the two of them walked around parting ways to find something that could help them escape, but even after half an hour of searching, they had no luck at all. Climbing the trees were too rash, they'd break a neck if they drop themselves on something so tall.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard from outside. It was the only time in their life that they were  so happy to see flashlight beaming on them that night.
" what y'all kids doing here?! Go home " the security guard opened up the gates and got himself a big hug from both of them.

" hey hey hey watch yo step, give me some personal space, geez what's with kids these days, an hour ago three boys who looked like thugs just left, boy if I wasn't here to double-check the school for the night, y'all would rot, don't do this again, you won't be lucky next time. " he ranted on them. Victor and yuuri both apologized and thanked the security guard ( have he never felt so proud from doing his job).

They managed to exit the school with questions left behind.
" I'm so confused "
" I get you.. " yuuri replied.
" no.. I mean, so much has happened to us.. Even though we- "
" maybe we.. Are meant to be? " yuuri silently stated, his heads down and cheeks turning into a bright red rosy color. Victor's cheeks also went tinted pink as he chuckled, then laugh at his confident reply.
" my, you're quite bold tonight aren't you? " their fingers were touching each other, they hesitated from holding one another's hands. Victor was even surprised that they could get this close in such a short span of time. I guess miracles do exist..

" yuuri.. " victor took a glance at him, his eyes showed concern and worry.

" I understand.. Tonight? "

" tonight.. For sure" they held their hands.

Tell me everything that happened

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