chapter 16

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"and who is he? " Victor asked. I could just see a brim of jealousy in his eyes.

" he's.. just like you.. very positive, stubborn and also nosy. I love both of you a lot " Yuuri frowned, in memories of his best friend. " should i ask in who do you love most? " The russian male looked at him. 

" obviously both! " he smiled a bit and touched victor's pouty face of jealousy. " and then.. "


" sup babe! I'm cheeto, "

" ..... babe? Cheeto?.. " I frowned a bit, looking at the tan male beside me. But I was grinning a lot inside, it was so cheesy and un-funny it's making me feel so joyfully disturbed.

" well, it's suppose to be a greeting but everyone say it's cheesy, so I'll just go along with the flow and NOT be unique, Hi I'm Phichit Chulanont! Nice to meet you cherry blossom boy "
He grinned back at me as i shuffled my hair, unconsciously knowing that maybe a petal or two landed on it. The joyful student in front of me burst into laughter, leaving me in the reds. " I dont really know whats going on here?.. " I straightened my back after throwing away the pink petals from my hair. I, sighed slowly hoping that he would not pull another prank and embarrass me. 

" oh sorry! nice to meet you, im Phichit Chulanont, and you're.. Yuuri Katsuki right? " He held out his hands, seem like he was asking for a handshake. Therefore, proceeding on giving me a firm one indeed. He.. really is an outspoken one isn't he? and he has a lot of positive vibes surrounding his body. I kind of like that. Perhaps it would be a nice year after all? " Yeah, nice to meet you too. How did you know? " I was tense. " well.. everyone knows about the boy who arrived late for the first day of school! " 

" excuse me? " I asked, my face going red once again from unbelievable embarrassment. I thought i would get sent to the principal's office sooner or later.

" oh come on, stop being so stiff! i obviously piqued a little interest in you, cause you seem like that kind of student that wouldn't talk to anyone in class for a year and wont enjoy yourself, hence getting bullied by the students here and other schools too " it took a lot of oxygen to sentence all of that. " well.. you are entirely true.. " i browse upon my feet. " that's why i want to make you at least happy this year! " 

" and how? "

he grabbed my hands as we ran towards a spot. and placed my bag on a table beside his seat. He took out a phone and snapped a photo with both of us together and posted it in Instagram. " what?! " everything was happening too abruptly. Phichit looked at my side and exclaimed 

" If you want to enjoy your school life, you need a friend to support everything you do! starting today, ill be Yuuri Katsuki's ever first best friend! the photo proves it a lot, theres no backing out now " he was the center of attention to the whole classroom. " p-phichit you're a bit too loud! please calm down. " But he refrained from ever hearing what i had to say. He's just like you Victor.. So stubborn. But he was the cause of my happiness.. for at least a while. At least, i got to smile. 

Dear god, i wish he never did become my friend.. 

( im sorry for updating so late! some stuff with my short comic and artwork X. theres so much going on! and ill promise that next chapter would be a bit longer! )

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now