chapter 8

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WARNING: viewer discretion adviced in the following chapters, a lot of severe lemon and foul words will be put into the book!

' that was so foolish of me ' Victor said to himself, walking slowly towards the gate, about to leave the school grounds.
' this is so childish... ' he stopped for a second as he stood in front of the gate that was a meter away from him. Reconsidering his actions, he knew it wasn't the right thing to do and was the most childish thing to do in front of yuuri.
Thus, he didn't even knew yuuri's past, or why people hated him.

' is this why people hate you '

Echoed in his mind. Victor looked at the academy building at the back of him, slowly rotating his body to it's direction. It was the wrong thing to do, and he knew it well.
If only I had been more patient..

If only I was patient

I could had have him all to myself

With jumbled feelings, words and emotions, Victor proceeded to run to the building, leaving behind his belongings as if he knew that if hopefully, Yuuri was still there.
" I'm such a psychopath for him " Victor said to himself, noticing that he was smirking. " I wonder why " the Russian man asked himself.

Does it even matter anymore victor?
Does it?
Does it even matter?
Does he even matter?

Victor sped up, running towards the classroom to see an empty void, covered by tables and chairs only, no yuuri at all. Tough luck, but he wasnt there.
" I feel so stupid today.. " Victor sighed in dissapointment, even though he knew that of course, yuuri would already left the school grounds. Probably, he still wasn't quite sure. He thought he would just leave and just apologize the next day afterwards. All will end well and there wouldn't be a fight between them anymore.
But suddenly, a realization came into Victor's mind. IF yuuri had already left, he could have seen the Japanese male nearby? It was quite mysterious to be honest, the Russian male had been observing the map and the rules last week, he absolutely knew that the only way to leave the grounds is also to exit the entrance gate of the school. In dismay, as he is also a human being, he was afraid that he might be wrong too, or maybe he had the wrong idea about it? To make his problems solved easily, he took out his 2015-updated rule book and tried to look for the exact thing he was looking for.

' students will only be able to leave the school grounds by proceeding to exit the gates that were used to enter the grounds too. There is no exactly any other way to find another exit. Unless you're an assassin, if you are, you would be lying. '

He was sure that yuuri would still be here. I mean, yuuri can't be so stubborn and avoid victor to the point he has to jump through tall walls, right? Not legitimate, but still very possible. Nonetheless, victor had the feeling that yuuri might be still in the school grounds. Maybe in the toilet or something. But just to be extra sure, Victor proceeded into the classroom and approached yuuri's table.

He sighed deeply,

" why are you so full with mysteries yuuri.. when I just want to have a simple life together with you, is it that hard for me to be by your side? " tired of secrets, he was losing a lot of patience, he wanted to know everything immediately.
Thus, he took a glance at his table for some certain reason, and realised the carved hiragana on his table.
" did yuuri wrote this? " a serious expression came across his face.


" I don't understand "

OF COURSE, typical Victor, who the hell can understand Japanese language or even the writings in a week!?
He tried to understand, but he just couldn't, it should had been important, but not for now.
Victor paced to the other room slowly, therefore looking at his watch

6.59 pm.. He looked at the gates, fully opened.
" where are you yuuri? "
He searched the whole area at the third floor, no yuuri to be found. Down to the second floor.. Down to the whole floor, and to the toilet. As he overheard groaning noises in the men's bathroom.

" yuuri, are you still here? Or are you there at all? " Victor questioned,
Silent treatment for him in return.

" of course.. " victor sighed, tired already as he searched for him everywhere. It was 7.30 pm, he might have already gone home while he was trying to search for him. Victor, again, felt entirely stupid today. As he turned back, thinking about leaving until he heard squirming noises.

" YURI?! " he tried to open the door, but the doorknob was locked. He tried to kick down the door but it won't budge at all!

" Yuri?!?! Is that you?! "

" DONT COME NEAR, DONT GO INSIDE, GO AWAY!! " A shout full with cries and agony was heard between the both of them.

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now