chapter 2

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The final bell chimed into their ears, Yuuri stood up from his chair and raised his voice
but was COMPLETELY cut off by everyone. They left at the speed of light and ran down the stairs.
Victor looked at the male's face as Yuuri sighed.
" it's always like this " Yuuri grabbed his bag and hangs it around his shoulders.

" you're the class monitor? " victor asked, quite curious for him to be elected as the monitor when no one seems to like him.
" kinda.. Just because I'm trustworthy with the homeworks, that doesn't mean I'm fit to be the monitor.. "

The teacher left the room, with now only Victor and Yuuri there. The Russian male looked at the Japanese male's keystrap that was hanging on his bag. A poodle?

" so... Victor? Why did you move here?  "

" for certain reasons, i love to travel "

" oh! So you and your parents always move out? "

Victor stayed silent and locked his lips.
" Parents died when I was 11.. So I moved in to hasetsu with my aunt "
Yuuri wasn't expecting that, he regretted his words and apologized to the Russian student in front of him. Victor didn't mind it, it's the past anyway. ||

Yuuri's POV

I felt so bad asking that question. Never had I thought that his parents weren't here in this world anymore.. Sighing, I looked outside and watched the students as they left the school building.
I hope I didn't made Victor felt uncomfortable..
Before I knew it, the whole school was already empty. The students who roamed around had already went outside of the school grounds. Only me, victor and some teachers.
Why didn't he leave without me?


Yuuri met his eyes with Victor, he shyly lowered his head slowly. Heads down and eyeballs looking at the attractive student's face. Then, he thought he might as well offer to show him around town since they were about to leave.
" if you can't that's alright! I bet your aunt would be worried waiting for you at home too, since its your first day here!" he broke his voice a little bit.
" oh no, I love the sound of that, I'd gladly have you to guide me " he stared back at Yuuri as the other male broke eye contact, feeling shy.
" oh well.. That's what I like to do.. Making friends with other people " he chuckled. With hesitancy, he grabbed Victor's wrist as they finally proceeded to exit the school building. They walked down the stairs carefully and had yuuri in front of him to guide him properly.

" you're interesting " Victor giggled in humor at yuuri's sudden confidence to grab his wrist when he thought Yuuri would  blush and even get shy if a leaf touched him.

" excuse me? " clueless, he ignored the man's statement and continued on their journey.
His warm, small hands wrapped tight around his wrist as they walked towards the school gate heading for the way out.
The foreign student and the Japanese student walked in between the cherry blossom trees. The flowers that bloomed from the trees were falling excessively. It wasn't quite normal, it made the whole pathway pink-ish bright as it gave a sweet, calm and mellow atmosphere around them.
A lot of the pink flowers fell on their blue blazers too, where it could even make it into a pink blazer.

" do you like it?.. " Yuuri asked as he slowed down his steps.
" I love it, the view and the atmosphere, I love everything about it  " victor left a huge grin across his face. His facial expressions and statements made Yuuri felt happy inside.
Suprisingly, a whole flower fell on to yuuri's raven dark hair without him noticing. Well.. Victor on the other hand just decided to stay quiet for a while.


" look victor! " Yuuri took away his grasp and pointed at Hasetsu Castle. But there were so much pinkish colored flowers and big trees covering the clear view of the whole thing.

" wow! Ninja?? " Victor thickened his Russian accent. The other male nodded and took a glance at the so called ' castle ' which has already become a home for the family of his and himself. Of course, the splendid hot springs are included too.

They went around and had already went to most of the places including Ms. Minako's ballet class. The only place left was the ice castle and Yuuri's home.
So, they went to the ice castle and saw a girl with a pretty brunette colored hair as they saw her putting the skates on one of the shelves. She quickly turned her head to see who came just to find her friend and a new person.

" Yuuri!! Did you came here to skate again?? Ahh and who is that? " She gave them a big grin and a warm welcome after arranging all the skates at their original places.

" maybe not today since i have to show him around again. This is Victor,  he's a new student in my class that moved from Russia,
Victor, Yuuko,
Yuuko, Victor " Yuuri greeted.
The brunette's eyes shone as she hopped out and shaked the taller student's hand.

" hi I'm Yuko! Yuuri's childhood friend, nice to meet you! " excited as he was a new person to meet. Yuuko hoped that she would get along with the new student. Victor smiled after both of them pulled away their hands gently, then Yuuko approached the other one as she whispered one or two sentences to him.

" yuuri why don't you show off your ice skating skills? I'm pretty sure he would love it "

" w-what?! Yuko-chan that's just embarrassing! My ice skating is too sloppy! "He whispered to her back. But they are speaking in Japanese anyway, so Victor won't even understand.
Or does he?..

" ice skating brings me back.. It's been so long "

" Victor, you skate? "

" a few times back in St. Petersburg with my parents.. It's quite a long time ago so I probably would slip and embarrass myself anyway "

" you can skate again if you want to! " yuuri said after he requested two pairs of skates from Yuko.

" well.. Um if you WANT to, If you don't want to, I won't force you because that would seem really rude and mea- "

" let's try it, I'd love to do this again "

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now