chapter 11

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" WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?! " the student shouted once again as he visibly showed the bat he carried, wrapped around his hands. Yuuri panicked and slowly inhaled the air, shivering in so much fear.
Victor leaned forward and wrapped yuuri's body tightly,
" you're going to be okay " he whispered into his ears, calming down the anxiety and depression- filled Japanese student. The man with the bat was throwing, kicking and hitting everything in his way. Chipping the wooden-made chairs and tables.

Soon, there were more voices to he heard from the distance. Maybe two.. No three or four of them went into the classroom. All of them had their handy equipments carried along with them for some reason, for some certain reason.
" huh, there are bags over there!! It must be that sluts'.. I KNEW HE WAS STILL HERE!! " he furiously threw the bat and approached victor and yuuri's bags.

Zipping sounds were heard, they were unzipping both of their bags with no hesitation at all. Therefore, pouring out all their materials on the floor as they put on a sheepish smirk on their faces.
" who do you think might own this other bag other than the little slut? "

" huh, maybe someone close to him this year.. Probably.. That new kid.. Victor " the other man replied. Yuuri's eyes widened in shock, fearing that they might do something to victor. Yuuri hid under the Russian male's embrace, constantly shivering from the aggressive students... Even so, yuuri knew he had it coming. Surprisingly, they started chuckling under their breaths and started hitting the tables and chairs with their equipments. They repeated yuuri's name over, over and over again. They never tend to give up.

After a few minutes, one of the male students accidentally stepped on one of the notebooks that had some fancy cover on it. Of course, as curiosity and asshole-sity took over them, he flipped the pages from the book.
"  what the fuck " he exclaimed as he soon decided to read one of the lines to his other companions. Unfortunately, yuuri couldn't clearly hear them at such a far distance. Then again, they went really close to the teacher's table as a few of them left the room in search for the Japanese student.

Silence conquered, only one was left in the room. He sat down on the teacher's desk and silently said to himself,
" would that victor guy be useful to us just like that one friend that slut had before?.. " he giggled. That's when yuuri snapped and pushed victor away from him. He quickly got up and shoved the other student.
" leave victor alone! He got nothing to do with this!! " Yuri exclaimed loudly, as the other looked at him with pure amusement,

" pfft, shouldn't have know better that you were down there bitch, so what did you do down there? Avoiding us because you're afraid of swallowing our cum? " he stared at yuuri. At that scene, it was truly like a cat chasing a mouse to feed on it.
" scared of you? Then why do you think I showed myself?! You're nothing but a horny dog, screw y-"

the student slammed yuuri's head on the desk forcefully, with blood streaming down his nose as the thick liquid dripped down on to the table, drip by drip.
He slammed down his head once again, trying to destroy his face. He enjoyed it and had his full satisfaction turned on. " STOP IT!! " Victor punched the man who kept hitting yuuri. Thus, he fell to the ground leaving a wound to his jaws, therefore bleeding his gums out.
Yuuri mourned and groaned out of pain, hugging the Russian male who saved his face from getting destroyed. Victor's eyes were teary, a sign of tears starting to fall out.

" you must be victor huh? Brave little shit, acting like a Knight in shining armor for that stupid slut, shameful "

" back at you, you're the one whos being shameful by saying stupid things like swallowing your semen every night, " he angrily responded, his voice deepening in each sentence. How angry he was at the time. His blood boiled just by looking at the man's face, eager to punch him and torture him again, again and again until no voice can come out from him. Along with his life and existence.
no one fucking hurts my yuuri.

Suddenly, yuuri's phone began to rang. A phone call from somebody but they didn't care less.
" but it's true, isn't it yuuri? " he grinned widely.

" selling your body so that your friends and family wouldn't get interrupted by our little business, you don't want to bother anyone, that's why you'd happily suck thousands of cocks than bother anyone at all, I admire that. "

Victor's heartbeat went faster by each word he said as his heart resulting in a burn. He tried to steal a look at yuuri's face that was burying itself on victor's chest as he weeped softly, hearing all what was spoken out of the aggressive male. " i-is it true..? " victor stuttered, raising yuuri's head above so that he could get a clear look on his facial expression. Was it a yes or a no? Victor didn't wanted to believe it.

" I could demonstrate it for you " the man roughly pulled yuuri's arms to his side and grinded on his thighs, unbuttoning his collars as fast as he can.
" NO! " Yuuri tried to escape from the his hands. His blue framed glasses fell to the floor, therefore breaking into shards as he attempted to shake his way out of his hands before biting it. Being free from the strong grip that once grabbed his body mercilessly.
Hence, the aggressive male shouted in pure agony from the strong bite which passed through his layer of skins, resulting in severe drips of blood.
" little shit! " he grabbed yuuri even before he had the chance to flee, a grip that was tighter than before. While they were at it, his other companions returned from their search and ran towards both of the victims, mainly yuuri.

" victor, run!! " yuuri cried out loud, worried about the safety of his friend.

" no! I'm NOT leaving you here " he refused, still ignorant and stubborn. He tried to throw the flower vase to one of their heads. But then, the Russian student received a surprising attack tackle from one of the men as he tried to choke him to death. Victor in the other hand was struggling trying to protect yuuri instead of thinking of his own safety.

" VICTOR, HIT HIM! " as he once again suffered from being in the hands one.. No, two.. No, three of them.
" let him go! He's got nothing to do with this!! " yuuri pleaded.
But of course, they will never listen. His pleading and begging resulted in a hard, good slap on the face.

" y-y-yuuri " he was short of breath, hardly getting any air from the cause of the hands gripped tight around his neck.

As long as he's safe, I don't care if I die.

" please.. " yuuri begged once more, giving in to all of them as he went down to his knees.
" please, forgive me, please, let go of him, please, please, please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry " the pain of losing a friend would hurt more than any physical pain he had now. The thought of losing victor was his greatest fear, no more. No more. I don't want to lose anyone anymore.

The man at the center who looked like the leader of the four of them stared at yuuri in disgust.
" you disgust me a lot, " he raised a leg and proceeded to press it to yuuri's head. The male continued to stomp the Japanese's harder and harder each step he took.
" f-fuck you, l-l-leave him.. A-lone... You uneducated pieces of shits!! " he broke free from the grip on his neck by attacking the offender's sides which ended up in a broken rip cage. He mourned in pain. Victor needed to approach them and safe yuuri but his headache attacked again, making his visions go blurry. The side effects of the choke earlier made his mind blank, hard to breathe and made his physical and mental attributes much more weaker than he is.

" fuck it, he won't give up... " with his final words,

" y-yuuri " victor reached his hands out for him,

His consciousness slowly begins to lose

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