chapter 7

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is it that you and I were meant to be?
Fate is my enemy
Destiny is beside me,
I'll cut everything that prevents you from me,
I'll make sure that you're safe and sound.
No harm done,
Ill protect you from danger
Until time goes on
" I shouldn't make assumptions " he thought. Victor took out his books and began to read, flipping the pages carefully with such focused features put on his expressions. With an empty table by his side, he sighed with dissapointment and stared at it for a moment.
It has been a week since he transferred into Hasetsu High, everything was going on pretty well. Everyone was kind to him, he could keep up with the education and improved his grades, with such dedication and is already popular among the students. But it was only ' him '
Ever since the day where Yuuri found the picture.. The Japanese male has been acting quite peculiar. Victor thought of it for a while, is it because Yuuri saw him snatching the picture harshly from the security guard? Or did he do something to hurt him physically or mentally. He was confused, as he clenched his hands tightly, causing his veins to be more presented from the layers of his skin. Christophe noticed it but kept silent, he instead, changed the interaction subject that he is about to start for both of them.

" hey you did bring that book! " Chris turned his head towards Victor.
" sorry? " Victor held his book.
" in literature class today, you stated that you had forgotten to bring your book and pursued Ms. Clorox permission to share the book with Yuuri "

Victor tightened his grip, in panic
" perhaps I didn't check my bag well enough just now " he smiled.

" do you like him? " Chris, straight forwardly asked him.

" who? "

" Don't play dumb Victor, Of course I'm talking about Yuri, do you like him? "

" Why is that your concern? " Victor raised a brow, chuckling a little bit.

" out of curiosity " Chris stated.

" you won't have the answer to your question then " he continued reading the novel.

" I'd advise you not, if you love him, "

Victor grunted under his breath, looking at chris coldly.
" and why is that? "

" you'll know, one day, if he has the time. If you guys have the time for each other, Ill avoid telling you myself out of his sympathy. I want you to hear him out yourself "

This is getting weird
What in the world did you do Yuuri?

A strong wind blew across the class through the window outside. The curtains swayed to and fro as papers flew across the classroom. Victor's physical education notes went flying to the floor, as he stood up and retrieved back his papers, he saw Yuuri with a blonde-haired figure beside him as they leaned against the wall, talking to each other.


Yuuri smiled at the blonde male after he hit him with a carton of milk. Simply feeling a bit uncomfortable with their cheerful interaction, victor patted Chris's shoulders.

" who is that? " he pointed at the blonde student beside yuuri.

Rant mode on

" Yuri "

" no, that one " he pointed further.

" its YURI "


" ITS YURI!!! " Chris snapped

" THE BLONDE ONE! " Victor snapped too

" ITS YURI!! "

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now