chapter 4

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' oh're so cute.. '
I bit my lip out of satisfaction
Looking at the screen..
I cant resist myself..

' this is too dangerous.. '

Muffling sounds

' shh my little sweetheart '
' you'll enjoy your afterlife
So dont cry '

' so beautiful
So innocent
So sweet
So cute..

I need you so much -

At the very first morning, around 6.30 A.M Victor had already arrived to the school grounds. As he went there as soon as possible to get out from his so called ' house '. With only his white dress shirt, where he rolled up the sleeves to his elbows. He looked twice as attractive with that sense of style.
The blazer
The only one he had
Unfortunately was at Yuuri's
he didn't mind at all!
But he minded the whole crowd who were flirting and approaching him.
Irritated, he kept on smiling as he answered their questions, basic questions indeed.

" how old are you? "
" what's your favourite food? "
" do you have a girlfriend? "
Good enough, nobody bothered to ask about his blazer so that saved a lot of his time.
Even though it was just yesterday he got submitted in, students regardless of gender were trying hard to swoon him and take over his heart
Until they were satisfied enough,
The crowd calmed down and a lot of them left.
Except for one.

Drag drag

" Hey Mr. New and popular! "
Some kind of man ( assumption) with a thick german-ish accent called out.
Victor looked around with his expressions alike of a child. He could suddenly realise a blonde man with a pair of sunglasses hiding behind the school building after a minute.
The male waved his hands.

So, Victor decided to approach him and proceeded greet him with a ' hello '.
Therefore, The male in front of him took off his aviator sunglasses as he puts them inside him pocket. The blonde cleared his throat before he begins to speak.

" may I help you? " victor asked him

" yes, there is in fact one question I would like to ask! "

" and that is..? "

" actually, I saw you and Yuuri walking home together yesterday in the evening " he tilted his head a bit, unsure if the information was true or false.

" yes we did, and? "

" you're a new student right? "

" yes I am " Victor got his expression on point. He rose an eyebrow and continued on having their little conversation behind the building.

" I think you ought to stay off of Yuuri Katsuki.. " he glared.

" why is it so? "

" you'll know what I mean later.. Probably a few days here in this week you'll know everything you need to know " he backed off and turned around, showing his ass while cat walking.

" weird... " he thought.

" ah, theres a lot of time left before class starts " he checked his watch around his wrist as he began to step forward. Victor thought about looking around the academy if he had time, like right now. Nothing was bothering him anyway. Therefore, he moved forward to the path of floras, one of Hasetsu's finest garden.


While walking,

So important...

" V-victor? " he had a blue blazer folded neatly as he hugged it tight on to his chest, finding the male student that he wanted to meet. The other students looked at him at dismay, judging him deeply as they whispered harsh words with each other. Yuuri could only look and ignore, his glass heart will always be shattered forever. It's up to him if he would want to feel sad or just ignore all the hatred he gets.

' I've got to be strong for myself,
Not for you
Not for anybody else
Just for me '

Yuuri got into the school grounds, where he suddenly bumped his seatmate next to Victor.


" oh I'm so-sorry! " Yuuri apologized and took a far step back from the Swiss male.
His blue orbs, observing the blazer yuuri grasped on to.

" that's rather oversized for you " Chris claimed

" oh no, Victor left it at my house!.. So um.. "

" Yuri Katsuki.. You better not plan anything funny.. "

" no! I'm not.. "

" I doubt that.. Well anyway.. You're looking for Victor right?.. " he patted Yuuri's shoulders.
" sorry for scaring you... " chris whispered. The raven haired male lowered his head as he gazed at the stone-built pathway.

" oh yes.. Do you by chance know where he is? "

" I saw him heading off to the new garden, I think you'll find him there "

" thank you..
Chris.. "
He grasped on to the blazer tighter.

" don't get bullied by those jocks.. Okay? " he exclaimed

" I'll manage.. " Yuuri looked away and went towards the garden.


" eh.. What is this? God.. I can't believe people still litter even though they could get suspended for months- "


Is this.. Me?..

Hey guys! Sorry for NOT UPDATING FOR MONTHS :')
My timetable is so friggin complicated i-
Never mind..
I've been thinking about chapter 4 for quite some time and thought that this would be the most interesting path to go to!

Well thanks for reading~~
Please give a like to this chapter and bookmark!~

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