chapter 13

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He opened the entrance door and the first thing he saw was his mother's face, anxious and worried. Her eyes were wet as if they were about to drip tears.
" yuuri! Darling, where were you?! You got me really really really worried sick, and your face, you're injured!! What in the world happened?! " she exclaimed with the customers behind her looking at the three of them, her egg was frying In the kitchen, burnt to the point that it wasn't edible anymore. She squeezed yuuri's hands and saw victor behind him.
" vicchan? What happened to both of you?? " she questioned once again.

" mama.. We.. " yuuri was sweating nervously, he didn't wanted to make her worry and bother his own mother when she's suppose to be very busy this night. Yuuri kept his mouth shut, the truth was silent and was all kept inside of him, all of it. She waited, waited and waited. The egg was burning but she didn't care, her son was more important than a mere burning egg.
" so?.. " she questioned once again. Her son couldn't think of any excuses, just when he was about to say something random or change the subject, Victor explained a white lie out.
" we were too focused on this book we love that we went ahead of time and tripped from the stairs and went unconscious, " the ( only) best thing that victor could think of. Yuuri, he made a ' do-you-seriously-think-she-will-believe-that ' kind of face and face palmed his soul.
However, she DID take it seriously, surprisingly.

" be CAREFUL next time! What could have happened if you didn't wake up! I'd be so worried..! " she scolded them and hit yuuri softly with her spatula, on his head.

" a-ah, and also.. " yuuri brushed off the small pain that was left on his head. The raven haired male explained to his mother that victor would be staying for the night due to the fact that his house was quite a long way ahead, ( whatever reason yuuri thought of as an excuse) and they already told his aunt about his sleep over.

" well, tommorow isn't a school day, so why not? Please make yourself at home and enjoy your stay victor, " she smiled widely.

" what room will he be staying in? " he asked.

" well, to be honest, room's full today, occupied by a bunch of foreigners trying to #ninja hasetsu castle " Mari occupied their conversation while carrying a tray of unwashed bowls, glasses and plates.
" well of course, " yuuri sighed, but hey, no big deal right?

" why not yuuri's room? I recall there's an extra futon, for yuuri to sleep on, besides, you're both friends after all! So a bit of privacy-clashing and personal bubble pop isn't going to hurt " She suggested, then running away to the kitchen to put down the tray, and also taking the burnt smoky egg as she threw it in the trash can.
Victor and yuuri both looked into each other's eyes for a moment and kind of made a pact of agreement with their mind communicating-ish skills.
Thus, not for so long, both of them were already soaked in the yutopia onsen butt naked without a sign of any shame ( especially victor, or victor only).

" I like your sister, she's funny " victor brings up a conversation.

" then why don't you marry her then? " yuuri replied, half drunk and dizzy from the heat of the water. The scratch on his face reflected onto the clear, white, water. He touched it, at a result of a stinging pain.

" she IS funny, but I think you're more adorable in terms of personality and looks, despite you being cold to me for hundreds of weeks, appreciate my compliment "

Yuuri looked at the man beside him, flirting viciously and them talking to each other so normally like best friends, as if nothing ever happened before at all, as if the day went by normally and with nothing to worry about. How he wished it could be like that.
And how he wished, he could just have a normal, happy relationship with victor.
" you talk big for someone with a bad taste, your taste in people is what?.. Me? " he giggled quietly, under the water.

" probably, but.. I doubt its bad at all, " he smiled.

" all ive ever wished for is to go back to how we used to be when we first met, become friends, or more, like best friends. I'm glad we're still talking like this, " the Russian male stated out, leaving yuuri completely guilty, and.. Nervous. For some reason. Then, victor slowly reached out his arms and cupped yuuri's cheeks with his hands, brushing off the male's cheeks with his fingers, softly. As if he was touching something delicate and sensitive.
The two men apart, yuuri held the hands that were touching his cheeks, he immediately looked at victor in the eyes.

" thank you for existing " he said, full of bliss. Romance was soon to be seen between the way they were looking at each other. Victor knew, he just knew,

" I have to protect this man "

He just knew he had to. That very moment, he never felt so happy before, it felt like his heart skipped a beat for a moment there.

" thank you.. For trusting me, even though I annoyed you- but.. Thank you " victor apologized, as he thanked the other male in front of him ( that he was flirting with) he sat there and chuckled at victor.

" I really do want to trust you, "

" tonight?.. "

" ... I promise..but.. Please.. Please.. Don't hate me after knowing the truth .. "

" I wouldn't dare, "

Mine Only, // victuuri ( Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now