BSM - You Break His Bass

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I'm gonna update Take Two tomorrow I promise

There weren't a lot of rules when it came to living with Calum. Essentially you weren't supposed to do anything stupid or illegal or touch his bass which Calum considered both stupid and illegal.

But accidents happen. For example, you totally didn't mean to walk into Calum's music room. You were just walking to your room, minding your own business when you noticed that the door had been left open a crack. Calum never left that door open, he was always paranoid that something would happen. So you walked forward intending to close the door.

But when your face was in the doorway and you got a glimpse in it was awful hard to close the door when you saw that he had left his laptop on. That was just a waste of power!

You decided to close the laptop. Disregarding the fact that Calum didn't like you in there you quickly sauntered inside and over to the offending device. You firmly closed it, and then turned to leave again.

Only you rarely had the chance to even see the inside of Calum's music room. The walls were covered in various photos and awards, he had a really soft carpet that you never wanted to be separated from, and it smelled really really good for whatever reason. All of these factors put together left you thoroughly distracted on your walk out, and distracted Y/N was never a good thing. You ended up bumping into his bass with your hip, sending it tumbling off of its stand.

You winced and cringed as the delicate instrument snapped near the top, the head of the bass cracked and you knew that that was bad.

Things only got worse as it was that exact moment that Calum not only decided to get up, but to walk right into the room.

"Hey why's the door o- Y/N!" He screeched, any hints of lingering exhaustion were gone as he surged forward to cradle his bass.

"I'm sorry Calum! It was an accident!" You squeaked, backing up slowly.

"Y/N WHAT ARE THE RULES?" Calum yelled. You swore that there were tears in his eyes as he gingerly picked up the instrument. "I SAID WHAT ARE THE GOSHDARN RULES?" He yelled again when you didn't answer.

"Don't do anything stupid or illegal," you replied, staring down at your shoes.

"And?!" He pressed.

"Don't touch your bass," you mumbled, feeling rather ashamed.

"YES! SO WHAT HAPPENED?" He thundered.

"I didn't mean to! I just bumped into it on my way out after closing your laptop because I saw it was open after I noticed that you didn't close the door," you rambled, biting down on your lip.

Calum sighed and put the bass down, "I needed a new one anyway," he mumbled.

That made you feel a little less bad, but you had still ruined a bass guitar.

"I'm sorry," you repeated.

Calum smiled tightly and closed his eyes, "it's okay but next time just don't touch the door okay?"


Short Ik


Alternate Ending:  
You winced and cringed as the delicate instrument snapped near the top, the head of the bass cracked and you knew that that was bad.

You gently picked up the damaged instrument and put it back up on the stand. It didn't look right at all as the top had a visible crack in it, but you found that if you squinted and tilted your head just right you could almost pretend it wasn't there. That was as good as it was going to get, so once the bass was back in place you ran off to hide from Calum's inevitable wrath.

You knew that he'd realize it was an accident, but not until he'd seen the damage and calmed down. You just wanted to make yourself scarce during the "calm down" period. There would be yelling, lots of swearing, and maybe even some stress eating depending on how mad he really got.

So you scampered away, up to Calum's walk in closet. It was quiet in there, dark, isolated and it had plenty of places to hide yourself to wait it out. After assessing your options, you decided on burrowing back behind a pile of jeans.

Once back there you quickly nodded off, it was just too dark, too warm, and you were too tired.

Your little nap ended with an arm slipping under your knees, and another behind your shoulders. You were gently lifted bridal-style from the cramped space and held against a warm chest.

As you were carried out into the bright hallway your eyelids fluttered opened and you groaned as you looked around.

"Wha-" you squinted and your blood ran cold as you glanced up and saw that it was Calum carrying you, "oh."

Only when he looked down he didn't appear to be angry like you expected, more just sad. His face was flushed and his eyes were puffy like he had been crying. You couldn't help but think that you had really messed up if he was that upset over the bass.

"Calum I'm so so sorry, I should've been paying more attention but-"

He stopped your apology as soon as it had started with a shake of his head. You were gently deposited down on your bed and Calum sat down next to you.

"No I'm sorry," he sighed.

You glanced at him curiously, "why? You didn't do anything."

"Yes I clearly did," he shook his head, "you ran and hid from me Y/N. I don't want you to ever be scared of me or hide no matter what."

"Oh," you trailed off, glancing down at your fingers.

After a few heartbeats of silence you mumbled, "it's okay Calum. I'm really sorry I broke your bass though."

He smiled a little and chuckled, "Y/N that one was old, I wasn't planning on keeping it much longer anyway."

You blushed, feeling rather stupid that you made such a big deal over nothing, "well I wish I had known that two hours ago."

Calum laughed a little more, nudging your shoulder with his own, "next time ask me and I'll tell you."


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