BGM - A Long Story pt1

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I hope you all had a great Christmas!

[and more not in this part]

A knock on the door had Calum pausing the television and groaning as he separated his body from the soft, warm couch. His back cracked as he stretched his arms up and yawned. Another, less confident knock made him finally begin moving toward the door.

"He's early," Calum mumbled, glancing down at his phone while reaching toward the handle.

The dark-stained mahogany swung in to reveal a shortish man wringing his hands on the mansion's impressive marble porch. The house was new, a gift to you after nearly a decade of moving around. A comfortable, permanent estate to call home. Resting in a comfortable valley nestled between two Sierra Nevada mountains, it wasn't cheap, but it did provide privacy that both you and Calum craved after years in the spotlight. Yet since he had retired and settled down, Calum had found himself increasingly bored despite your best efforts.

It was his old teammate, Ashton, that had suggested he work on an autobiography. The story of how a teenager from the middle of nowhere became an international soccer star. Calum was unsure at first, but eventually his boredom overrode his sense of privacy, which led to the man on his doorstep. This was his ghostwriter as he'd never been particularly gifted at writing long pieces, even about himself.

"You're Rob?" He asked, holding out a hand to shake.

"Yes, yes I'm Rob," Rob relaxed a little and even smiled as he reached up and shook Calum's hand.

"Well come on in, my wife Y/N left us snacks," Calum moved out of the doorway and ushered Rob inside.

"That's very kind of her," Rob complimented you as he stepped up inside so Calum could close the door behind him.

"I think she felt bad she had to go. Her friends are taking her to some pregnancy spa, I don't know," he chuckled.

"Congratulations! I didn't know that the two of you were expecting," Rob paused and waited for Calum to walk forward and lead the way.

"We haven't publicly announced it, she's only about ten weeks along," Calum paused at the kitchen table, "we can talk here."

"Thank you, and your secret's safe with me," Rob sat down and opened his bag. Out came a voice recorder and laptop, which he set on the table in front of him. "I figured that before we worry about what to put in and what to leave out, we should get to know each other so that I can better figure out who you are, and how to write in your voice."

That sounded reasonable to Calum, "Okay," he sat down across from Rob at the table and stuck his hand in the cookie jar, "what do you want to know?"

Rob turned on the tape recorder, "you were talking about Y/N later, tell me about how you met."

Calum crunched on his cookie thoughtfully, "okay, but it's a long story."

"I've got as much time as you," Rob smiled at him and leaned back in his chair.

"Well, we first met in high school. I was a Sophomore and she was a Freshman. Technically she was old enough to be a Sophmore too, but her Mom is a real earthy type, and kept her in her home daycare an extra year. It's funny, I was a total jock, and she was a real nerd, ya know we were such a cliché. I kinda saw her around and everything, but I didn't know who she was until senior year...


"HOOD!" Calum turned around immediately after jogging out of the locker room. His best friend Luke sent him a sympathetic look as he continued forward.

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