BGM - Baby Fever

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I love BGM so put another request in for it baby I love BGM so hit the vote button and read with me

"Y/N, we need to talk," your husband's deep voice reached you from the doorway of the living room, easily flowing right over the music you had on.

"Yeah sure," your face fell as you turned the music off. It was rare that a conversation started with we need to talk had a happy ending. Had you done something to upset him? Was he unhappy with you? What could possibly be wrong?

A swarming horde of thoughts plagued your mind, each worse than the next as you tried to fill in the blanks.

"Baby," Calum said much softer, his tone was thick and syrupy like molasses as he drew you in. "Relax, it's nothing bad," he tried to reassure you but you didn't know what to think or feel.

Trying to suppress the panic you could feel slowly bubbling up, you moved your things that had been sitting on the chair next to you, and pulled it out for him to sit on.

Calum crossed the room. His eyes never left your face though. With each step they got closer and more detailed, and also more intriguing. The deep brown pools were swimming with emotions almost close enough for you to touch, but always just out of reach. You could see they were there but not what they were. His long strides brought him to you quickly, he walked right in front of your chair, so close that you had to part your legs for him to step into. Calum's height meant your neck was craned back to get a glimpse of his face. The strong jawline, the plump lips, raven curls.

You expected him to take a step back, and to sit. But that wasn't at all what happened. Instead, his large warm hands reached down and grabbed your sides. You were pulled up from your chair and flipped around. Then Calum took the step back and sat down, you with him.

You started out perched on the edge of his lap. Your bum was resting on his knees. This evidently wasn't close enough for your husband as he pulled you back until your butt was pressed against his hips and your back was leaning against his front. That's when his hands came up and rested on your lower abdomen. They just laid there, fingers sprawled out to cover as much flesh as possible. You looked down at his hands, the caramel fingers long and tapered, decorated with black nails and thick callouses produced by all of his instrument playing.

You wanted to know why his hands were there on your lower abdomen. Was he trying to say you were fat?

"Calum?" You whispered in question, your head tilted back a little over your shoulder so you could see his face while he spoke to you.

As Calum's lips moved the hands did as well, "I love you," his fingers pressed in, and out in a soothing massage.

You smiled a little, but you were still more confused than anything else, "I love you too, but what's going on?"

He exhaled noisily, not so much from exasperation as from his seeming inability to correctly voice his thoughts.

"Babe I- I want everything with you. I know that I've already been able to check a lot off, we've been engaged, you were my beautiful bride, and we're married now but I want it all. I want little feet running around and big Y/E/C eyes staring up at me. I want sticky fingerprints on the fridge and crayon artwork on the walls. Y/N I want bad school plays to clap for and scraped knees to kiss better. I- I," he sighed and trailed off for a moment.

It felt like all of the air had been sucked out of your lungs. Calum wanted a baby. It seemed like he wanted one pretty bad by the sounds of it. He seemed to have put a lot of thought into what he had said and really poured out his heart.

Luckily for him you felt almost identical.

But he of course didn't know that yet. He took your silence as a negative, "but if you're not ready I'll wait I don't want to force you into-"

"No," you flipped yourself around quickly while shaking your head.

"No?" Calum asked, surprised by your sudden movement and exclamation.

"No, you're not forcing me into anything. I want that too Calum!" You reached down and grabbed the hands that had fallen away from you. You pressed them back against your stomach where they had been a few moments before. Then you gathered your courage to say what Calum hadn't. "I want a baby."

As soon as the words were out of your mouth Calum was smiling and leaning in to kiss you. One hand stayed on your stomach and the other gently held your head up from the back of your neck.

"Say it again," he demanded, cheeks flushed and eyelashes fluttering in excitement.

"I want a baby Calum. I want to have a baby with you," you reiterated, squeezing his bicep reassuringly.

He smiled even wider than before, leaning down to give your lips one last peck, "I do too! I'm so happy right now!"

You imagined Calum looking at a little bundle the way he was looking at you. In adoration, wonder, and complete happiness. You knew he'd make a great dad and you told him so.

"I really want to be," he admitted, "but I think that you'd make an amazing Mum."

"Well," you tugged him down by the collar of his shirt, "I guess we'll just have to find out won't we?"

He threw his head back in laughter at your seduction technique but held your hips nonetheless. "I know you'll make a great Mum, and I'd be more than happy to help you prove it."

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