BGM - Cool Nights

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Kinda more like some blurbish things

It was that time of year again. Little signs that tipped you off slowly made themselves known: blooming colors in the leaves as the green was eaten away, much milder weather, and of course the cool nights.

You loved cool nights more than anything else. When the sun dips just below the horizon setting the sky alight with vivid color, blooming up in projections across the clouds. Pinks, and blues, and yellows carpeted across the sky. You loved the moon as it hung low and heavy, slowly hoisted up to the very top of the sky before rolling back down into the sunrise. You loved the dried and colorful leaves rattling as they were disturbed by a breeze rustling through. But the temperature was what really pulled it all together.

The snap of the chill across your cheeks, making them just redden a little in the middle. The lazy breeze flowing in your open window and tickling your toes just peeking out of the blankets.

However your favorite part of cool nights was how cuddly they made Calum. He seemed to always be running hot, so when he saw your arms break into goosebumps he'd pull you into him, laying you against his chest and transferring some of his warmth to you.

You could lay there, listening to the symphony of his breathing and rhythm of his heartbeat. Every part of you he touched was hot, while the outside air drifting in kept the rest of you cold, creating just the right mix for you to sleep.


Cool nights were also just the places to host a good bonfire. The nip of the air mixed with the rolling heat of the flame created a comfortable middle zone that could be adjusted in or out according to preference. It was there, warming your palms to the fire, that you heard 5SOS break out into the campfire song, and watch your beloved boyfriend get a lot of melted marshmallow in his hair. It was in front of the fire that you competed with Luke over who could best roast marshmallows, Michael happily judging. Ashton leaned back in his chair and stared up at the constellations, naming a few he knew and making up some others along the way.

"Look guys! That one looks like a hamster!" He chuckled, pointing straight up at a shape you couldn't make out.

"Looks more like a lion to me," Calum hummed from his seat. You wanted to see what he did, so you stood up and walked over to him, never taking your eyes off of the twinkling lights above you. Calum greeted you with a smile, taking the last swig of his beer and pulling you down onto his lap so that he could more easily show you what he was looking at.

"See?" He rasped out right by your ear, an outstretched finger pointed at a faraway collection of stars.

Not really, but you nodded anyway, mostly out of contentment, and leaned back into Calum instead. He chuckled and laid his arms down to rest on your thighs, propping his chin up on your left shoulder so that he could better hear Luke's awful ghost story that wasn't remotely scary.


So when you saw the first snowflake of the year come twirling down, bright and proud as it reflected the light into a million little rainbows, you were conflicted. They meant that your cool nights were nearly over, and that soon, it would just be cold. But then again, cold nights can be rather fun themselves.

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