BGM - Shhhhh!

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"Shhhh!" You hastily reached down and snatched the wooden spoon out of your son's hands before he had the chance to bring it down hard on the overturned pot on the floor and ruin the surprise. "If you do that Daddy will wake up," you warned him. His puffy cheeks wrinkled in a frown at that.

"I be quiet Mummy," the dark curls on his head that you couldn't bring yourself to cut bobbed as he nodded in affirmation.

"Yeah SHHHHHH Marcus!" His sister, added at a detrimentally loud volume.

It was funny, the two of them had opposite personalities. Marcus was still only three, but thus far he had been rather quiet, content to sit in a corner and stare at the pictures in his books or push around a toy car for hours. Recently, however, he had been spending more time with "Uncle" Ashton the babysitter that had gotten your quiet little boy interested in drumming. Calum was of course thrilled, enjoying the fact that his little Marcus David was interested in music at such a young age. He'd sit his son, a carbon copy of himself, down on his lap and together they'd drum rhythm's into not only drums but tabletops, armrests and occasionally each other. It was kinda cute actually. Matching dimpled smiles and big brown eyes as they both did something they clearly enjoyed.

Your daughter was different. A rather independent six and a half year old who was rather ambitious, constantly changing her mind on what she wanted to be when she got older. You'd heard doctor, veterinarian, soccer star, and one that had you mildly worried was "Supreme Leader" - but you just chocked that up to watching too much Star Wars with Michael. She looked more like you, but still had Calum's big brown eyes. Calum would say that her independence and snark was yours too, but it's not like he got the name "Sass-Master Hood" from nowhere. You loved both your children and their differences, even as they drove you nuts with ideas. Like them helping you make Calum his annual birthday breakfast in bed.

Usually, it was just help with waking him up, but now they wanted to be in the kitchen. This was of course fine, but they were limited in their abilities to help and needed constant supervision, so it was more like you scrambling to make breakfast while occupying them with the quietest activities you could think of. It had more or less worked, you figured there was a 50/50 shot Calum was still asleep.

You sighed and handed her another strawberry to place on the plate she had been painstakingly arranging for ten minutes. "Be nice to your brother Hailey Joy," you chastised her as well.

"Sorry Mummy," she glanced up at you before carefully putting the piece of strawberry down in the little bowl that held the rest of them. You didn't know why they had to be places just so, but plating was one thing she could help with so you were allowing her to express herself.

"Sorry Mummy," Marcus echoed with a giggle.

"Sorry for wha-" you looked up from the strawberry you were cutting and saw your baby with the pot now on his head, looking up at you with a mischievous smile. "You're so silly," you grinned at him, making him laugh some more.

You handed the last strawberry over, and a moment later your pipsqueak Picasso stepped away from the breakfast tray. "I'm ready Mummy," she looked at you very serious, this was not a joke in her mind.

You carefully picked up the tray, balancing all that had been layered on it. Calum was being served his usual coffee, some pancakes, eggs, bacon, strawberries and two pieces of toast, each decorated by one of the kids (Marcus made a smiley face out of raisins while Hailey did something rather abstract that was later explained to be a bass guitar).

"Okay, you two follow me, but we have to be very quiet so we don't wake Daddy up before it's time," you lowered your voice to a whisper to emphasize.

They both nodded rapidly and stood behind you. You half-waddled up the stairs and down the hall to the master bedroom. Marcus and Hailey were right on your heels and the three of you peeked into the bedroom. Calum was laying on his back, hands gracefully laying on his chest as he evenly breathed in and out. You however, knew that he was not sleeping as sleeping Calum was never on his back like that, it was rather convincing for your children's sake though.

"Go wake him up," you gestured with your head for them to go in.

Immediately after four little feet were pounding against the floor. "DAAAAADDY! WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Hailey ran much faster than her brother, she was up on the bed and jumping in three seconds flat. Marcus managed to run over, but was far too short and small to hoist himself up.

Calum made a big show of opening one eye first and then slowly yawning and sitting up with a dramatic stretch. You watched in amusement from the doorway as he looked around.

"Hailey where's your brother?" He played dumb, knowing full well where the little boy was.

"He's-" she was interrupted.

"DOWN HERE!" Marcus yelled. Calum grinned at you and then looked over the edge of the bed. Marcus raised his chubby arms up, asking to be lifted up.

"Ohhhhh," Calum bent down and then let out a loud groan as Marcus was lifted into the air, "You're so big!"

Once Marcus was in his designated spot on Calum's lap he began excitedly chattering more, "we made breakfast daddy! I made you toast!" He clapped his hands excitedly.

"Yeah! Happy birthday Daddy!" Hailey sat down as well to give him a hug and Calum pulled her down to have her sit at his side.

You took that as your cue and walked in with the tray, glad to set it down. It was right in front of Marcus's nose and he watched with great curiosity as Calum immediately dug into a hunk of bacon.

"Mmmm! This is really good! Thank you guys!" He bent down and pressed a kiss to Marcus's head, then Hailey's cheek, before looking over at you expectantly. You smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to your husband's lips, much to the dissatisfaction of your children. "Happy birthday babe," you chuckled.

"Ewwww," they both whined.

"You too baby tres," Calum gave your slightly protruding stomach.

"Is the baby in Mummy's stomach names Tres?" Marcus asked after watching the interaction.

Calum managed to hold in his laughter as you tried to explain, "no, tres is like three, because this baby will be Mummy and Daddy's third."

"Like on Dora?" He looked slightly less confused.

"Exactly bud," Calum ruffled his hair, "I like this race car you guys put on my toast!" He complimented, pointing down at a piece of toast on his plate.

"Daddy that's a bass like the one you play," Hailey frowned at him and crossed her arms.

"Oh, ohhh, I see it I'm sorry," he chuckled nervously. She didn't lighten her stare or grip, "it looks delicious."

Calum ate a bite, "very good!" But even that didn't make her relax.

"You taught her that," Calum shook his head and suppressed a smile.

You laughed and shrugged, "if she got it from me, she learned from the best."

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