BGM - SnapBack

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Inf1niteFlamez sent me this request because she loves me


You leaned back further in your chair and surveyed the area around you. Luke was texting someone, Ashton was kicking a ball around with Calum, and Michael was probably inside streaming on Twitch. Considering you were on vacation things seemed pretty much the same as they usually were.

Want You Back began to play through the speakers, and you let your eyes close so you could listen better, this was your favorite song. A light breeze cooled your face and you could just imagine staying this way forever.

Luke though, clearly couldn't, "Hey Y/N, I dare you to go steal Calum's hat."

You opened one eye to glare at him. "Why would I want to do that?" You looked over at your boyfriend. You thought his SnapBack suited him, he had it on backwards and pulled up enough to keep his curls out of his eyes, but they were still sprouting out from under the edges all the way around. You thought he looked cute, and that it suited him.

"Because I dared you? Unless you're chicken," Luke nonchalantly shrugged and looked back down at his phone. You weren't twelve, daring you wasn't going to work. "Also," you sighed and looked back at him, "Michael said he'd order Y/F/Pizza/Brand if you do it."

Well now you were pretty incentivized. They never let you get the good stuff. You stood up and stretched before jogging off of the porch and down to where Calum and Ashton were. You'd need to be strategic about this.

"Hey baby," you smiled as you approached. Calum kicked the ball over to Ashton then turned towards you.

He looked a little confused, but nonetheless happy as he wrapped his arms around your lower back, "what's up babe?"

You pushed yourself up onto your tippy toes and pressed a kiss to his lips, "nothing really, Luke's just bad company and you look really hot."

The smile on Calum's face widened and his hands drifted lower, "I do?" He hummed as he brushed your noses together.

He was definitely low enough to grab the hat, but you'd need a way out of his arms to be able to secure it.

"Yeah," you tilted your head back more so that your faces were better aligned, "I could see the way your muscles were flexing every time you kicked the ball." You paused and hummed, letting your arms trail up his, up to his shoulders and then back down.

He did what you were hoping he might and stepped back to flex. He curled his biceps up and wiggled his eyebrows at you. You did genuinely enjoy looking at him, but mostly this was the distraction you needed to grab his 5SOS SnapBack off of his head. "Let me feel," you took a step forward and held his gaze as your fingers curled around his muscles. He was staring at you so intently, he didn't notice your other hand inching up just out of his view. You squeezed, and at the same moment, snatched his hat and turned around.

"Wait- what?" You had a decent head start before Calum noticed what you had done, "Come back here! Thief!" His legs were longer than yours though, so you knew you didn't have much time.

"LUKE DO YOU WANT THE HAT?" You sprinted toward the porch with Calum on your heels.

"NO NOT REALLY," Luke replied. You could see he was filming your interaction, now everyone could see how winded you were about to be.

You sharply turned away from the porch and started running back toward Ashton, who had also been watching, looking rather amused.

Calum's hand brushed up against your waist, nearly grabbing your swimsuit bottoms, now that would be a major wardrobe malfunction. "Calum! I'm not trying to streak!" You complained.

"Then stop running away!" He was really close to you now.

You felt his hand again, this time he had a pretty firm grip on your hip. You squealed and tried to get out of the way by stopping suddenly, only it seemed he was anticipating your movements because he didn't slide past you on the sand like you'd thought, but stopped just behind you.

"Give me back my hat," he tried to reach past your shoulder to your fingers where it was dangling.

"No!" You leaned forward, forcing him to support you as you put all of your energy in extending your arm span enough to keep it out of reach.

"Why not?" He sounded confused. You were a little confused too, you weren't sure what to do with it now.

"Because!" You said indignantly, "Because- because I don't want to!"

"Ashton?" Calum asked hopefully. You pouted at your mutual friend who could undoubtably take the hat from you if he wanted to.

"Nah, I'm not getting involved," he snorted, "this seems like something you two need to work out."

"Ugh," Calum stopped trying to grab it and straightened out. He was still holding you up though, which is why he was able to let go for a moment, and you reflexively dropped the hat to catch your fall before he grabbed your swim bottoms again to keep you from falling.

"HEY!" You were sure glad Ashton was turned the other way because you totally could've just flashed him. "CALUM!" You huffed as he pulled you back up and then lifted you to drape you over his shoulder. "YOU'RE AWFUL!" Your fists beat against his back as he laughed at you and retrieved his hat, which was laying abandoned on the sand.

"I dunno, I feel pretty good," he chuckled as his hand slapped your ass which was right next to his head.

"Oh put me down you!" You could feel all the blood draining to your head which was probably good because you were sure you'd be blushing.

Calum actually complied and put you down on your feet, then took his hat and put it on your head the same way it had been on his, backwards with the brim tilted way down. "There," he looked pretty satisfied with his work, "I think it suits you."

"Hmph," you were still a little annoyed from the public spanking thing.

"Aww come on baby," you didn't push him away as he wrapped himself back around you, "I think you look pretty hot in my hat."

"You better," was all you could reply before his mouth was on yours. You let him coax your lips open and deepen the kiss as your eyes fluttered back shut and you held onto his biceps to keep you steady.

Ashton whistled from his spot on the beach and Luke yelled, "WE GET IT YOU LIKE SUCKING TONGUE!"

You giggled into the kiss and Calum made an offensive gesture at his friend. When you broke apart to get some air, Luke was gone, and Ashton was laying in the sand, getting some sun.

Your phone vibrated, it was Luke.

That Tall Dude:
I said steal his hat not makeout

You snorted and you could feel Calum lean over as he read the conversation.

I did steal his hat, the making out was a bonus

Luke didn't reply right away, and Calum stepped back then towards the house.

"Where are you going?" You raised your eyebrow as he glanced back at you.

"I have a hat to steal from Luke," he winked at you and then turned back around.

You rolled your eyes and followed him inside. You had some pizza to eat.

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting!

If you love me and you'd like to ask me to write something marinate in these questions please

1) do you follow me/have you voted on things consistently because I like to write things for people who like me

2) which boy(s) do you want?

3) BSM/BGM/DDM/some combination? Is it an AU?

4) how old do you want them to be when this story takes place?

5) remember I'll fill in the middle but the more plot you give me, the closer it will be to what you want ;)

6) special requests: nicknames, outfits, locations, times, dates, etc.

Thank you lovely people who made it this far down! Have a great day!

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