BGM - Frozen In Time - Soulmate AU

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Soulmate au (because duh it's Kay) where everyone has a timer on the inside of their arm that shows the amount of time they haven't spent with their soulmate + people only age when they're not with their soulmate

Basically you're a punk that's secretly a softie and you get assigned to work with Calum Hood, school hottie, on a school project and when he comes over he finds out your little secret but you don't even care because time stops

I'm 6 followers away from 700?! Omg I LOVE YOU GUYS

You were a little bit nervous. Okay, you were a lot but nervous and having trouble dealing with the fact that in a few hours Calum Hood would be at your house. Calum Hood, the school's best soccer player. Calum Hood, who always showed you pictures of his dogs if you asked. Calum Hood the hottest guy in your grade.

Quite honestly, you nearly passed out when your English teacher assigned both of you to work on a project together. You'd never spent time with Calum before, the two of you ran in different social groups and really only had the one class together. It was kinda funny, at school you were considered a punk. You had the leather jackets and tight ripped jeans. You wore it mostly because that's what your friends wore and you didn't really mind being thought of as such. It was kind of ironic though, that at home you were more of a pastel and glitter kinda girl.

You wondered if Calum would be surprised. It was hard to tell, you'd only spoken to him once when he caught up with you after English class and gave you his number so you could text him about the project. It had been a short conversation later that night, but you were just happy because it was Calum you were texting.

You had set up your laptop at the kitchen table cleared specifically for this purpose. Your notes were out, along with your Till We Have Faces book, in case you needed to write any notes. All you needed to start was Calum.

You glanced down at your timer. It was pretty convenient because you were born three minutes after midnight, and that's when the timer  started, so really it functioned just like a clock that was always three minutes too fast. It was a minute after the time you'd agreed to meet so he should arrive at any time.


-Calum's POV-

I felt a little bad that I was running a few minutes late to Y/N's house, but I'd stopped for donuts on the way there because, well, I liked donuts and I didn't want to show up empty-handed. I was about four minutes late when I arrived at her house so I jumped out of my car and quickly walked to her front door with my backpack over my shoulder and my donuts in my hands. I really hoped she wasn't going to try to beat me up or anything. She probably could, she was pretty badass.

I knocked, and only a few seconds later the door opened, immediately I recognized Y/N's face, "Sorry I'm la-" but then I saw what she was wearing, and it really threw me off. Her classic leather jacket and Guns 'N Roses band tee was nowhere to be seen. She was wearing a pink, knitted crop top with a white skirt pulled up to just about where her shirt ended so there was a thin band of midriff. She had on soft, sparkly makeup which I would've never thought I'd ever see her wearing. Who was this girl? What had happened to Y/N?

She didn't seem bothered by my stutter though, since she moved out of the way to let me in. "Hi Calum! Glad you could make it!"


You watched as Calum walked in, still kind of gaping at your outfit, and you closed the door behind him. You noticed, of course, the donut box in his arms and smiled because you loved donuts!

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