BGM - Makeup, Makeout

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Requested by:
@MrsKaplanHoodUrie (great name btw 10/10)

Haha so I'm gonna be gone for like the next week and a half. I'm not sure if that means no updating or less updating or what yet. We'll see I suppose

Btw this gets a lil bit steamy (literally hA)

"Ugh!" You massaged your temples as you stared at the paragraph you had just written. "This is all crap!" You angrily jammed your thumb down on the backspace key until it was gone.

You began angrily typing again, hitting the keys a little harder than necessary as you worked on your essay.

It was just this time, when you were stressed and frustrated, that Calum decided to come home from work.

"Honey I'm home!" He chuckled as he opened the door and slammed it shut.

You cringed at the noise and mumbled to yourself as you squinted at the bright screen.

"Babe? Where are you?" You didn't bother answering Calum as he wandered further into the house. You were too busy trying to come up with a good synonym for "because" as you'd used that word far too many times already.

"Y/N?" Calum finally ducked his head into the doorway of the room you were working in.

"What?" You snapped harshly, not even looking up at him.

"Geez okay. I just wanted to know where you were," Calum put up his arms and backed up a little.

"Well I'm right here, so if you could stop being so goddamn loud I'd appreciate it. Thanks," you snapped, ending one sentence and starting the next.

"Gee sorry, I didn't realize that saying hi to my girlfriend wasn't allowed," Calum crossed his arms and hit back at you with a sharp tone.

"Yeah well I'm trying to work. Maybe that's a foreign concept to you, but I don't need any distractions," you said rudely. There was a distinct disconnect between your mind focused on typing, and your mouth that was trying to get Calum to leave. You were saying things you didn't really mean, but that were hurtful nonetheless.

"Wow. I work hard everyday just like you. Maybe you should consider that I'm not so stressed because I actually do my work on time instead of putting it all off until the last minute and then trying to do it all." Yeah okay, he had a point. You had put this essay off which was making you significantly crankier, but Calum pointing it out really didn't make you happy.

"Yeah well at least I'm getting my education and I didn't drop out," you snapped.

You kept on typing, not initially realizing the affect your words had had on Calum. It was really a low blow to bring that up, and it was clear he didn't appreciate it as he left, slamming the door shut loudly behind him.

You flinched at the sound and stopped momentarily. You stared hard at the door and thought back to what you said.

"Oh my God," you put a hand on your forehead and shook your head, "I'm terrible."

You knew that an essay you probably wouldn't get a good grade on anyway wasn't worth your relationship with Calum, so you quickly closed your laptop and stood up. You rushed out of the room and looked around.

"CALUM?" It was your turn to call out for him.

And it was his turn to not reply.

You groaned and looked around. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. You were about to start properly searching when you heard he shower turn on upstairs.

You moved that way, all of the way up to your shared bedroom. The ensuite's door was shut, which was unusual for Calum, you walked up to test the knob, and sure enough, it was locked.

"Baby?" You knocked lightly, "I'm really sorry, can we talk?"

Calum didn't say anything, but you heard the shower door slide open and the lock on the bathroom door unlock.

You turned the knob and pushed the door open just as Calum closed the shower door. You could tell the water was hot as the room was already rather steamy.

You took a seat on the nearby toilet, "I'm really sorry Calum. I put this essay off when I shouldn't've and now I just can't seem to get it right. It's no excuse for what I said though. You're an amazing person and you're incredibly smart. High school isn't for everyone and it was really awful of me to imply that you're somehow a failure for not finishing it." You hung your head and sniffled a little.

The shower door opened slightly, and Calum poked his head out, he stared at you for a moment before sighing. "I understand Y/N, and I forgive you."

You smiled slightly and got up. You walked over to him and pecked his lips before stepping back and grabbing the bottom of your shirt in both hands.

"What are you doing? I thought you had an essay to write," Calum arched an eyebrow but didn't look away as you pulled off your shirt.

"I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment," you winked as you pulled off your bra and unhooked your pants.

Calum swore under his breath, "yeah you do."

You grinned as you pulled off your last piece of clothing and walked toward him. Calum opened the door of the shower and pulled you in, shutting it behind you.

You were pressed against the wall as his lips came down hungrily against your own. You let him take charge, and Calum moved quickly, beginning a makeout session as his tongue came out of his mouth and dipped into yours.

You smiled into the kiss, tilting your head slightly and raising your arms to hook around his shoulders. He brought his hands down to grab at the back of your thighs. You allowed him to pull you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as you were smushed between him and the shower wall.

He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth and you sighed. Calum pulled back a minute later, breathing deeply to replace the breath he lost.

"I'm still really sorry Cal," you pouted, pulling at the curls at the back of his neck.

"Yeah? You're gonna make it up to me?" He panted, moving even closer to you and squeezing your thighs.

"Yeah," you brought him down for another kiss, this one being slower, more loving and less rushed.

Calum pulled away this time to press kisses trailing down your jawline to the base of your neck, where he began to suck. He took the sensitive skin in his mouth and bit down lightly, then licked over it. You tilted your head back to give him more access.

He spoke across your skin, "after this do you want help with your essay?" Okay. Not what you were expecting but also not an altogether unpleasant question.

"Yes but can we please focus on one thing at a time?" You giggled again pulling at his hair.

"As you wish, Princess."


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