It's A Deal - CEO AU - pt2

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I don't really have a lot of pre-writing commentary


- 1 week later -

"Y/BFF/N it's tomorrow," you deadpanned as you looked down at yourself in yet another ugly gown. It was a black tie affair that the two of you had been affectionately referring to as "nerd prom", but that just meant that there was extra pressure to find something good to wear, and soon.

"I know, I know," she sighed and took a step back. You watched as she narrowed her eyes to a squint and then squatted down and craned her neck back up at you. She looked like a blind toad.

"What are you doing?" You hissed, desperately hoping that the nice attendant who had been helping you pull dresses in your size wouldn't come in.

She just shushed you, "I'm looking at it from another angle."

You waited another moment, but honestly didn't see how that could help. The dress was a weird muted purple that was not the lilac you'd envisioned but instead more of a fresh bruise color. The cut was straight across your chest, but annoyingly low which made it hard to keep up, and the top was trimmed with feathers that were too long and tickled your neck. It was past floor length, you knew you'd trip and the train would just get in the way. It had to be the worst dress you'd tried on yet, and you'd tried on plenty.

"Well?" You finally asked, mildly curious to see what she'd say.

Y/BFF/N pursed her lips and shook her head, "nope, still ugly."

"Great," you groaned and sat down on one of the stools pressed into the corner of the room. "I'm just gonna have to go naked at this rate."

Y/BFF/N shrugged, "I don't think Calum would mind," she suppressed a grin as your face turned bright red.

"Y/BFF/N!" You gasped, "it isn't like that."

"Yet," she corrected you, "you've only known him a week but you still text each other like eight hours a day."

"First of all, untrue," you rolled your eyes and threw her your best glare, "secondly, we've been discussing the details of my new employment."

"Mhm," she raised her eyebrows and looked down at you like she didn't believe a word you were saying.

"What? We have been," you defended yourself, "we talked about hours and salary and what kinds of programs would best serve the office and-"

She cut you off, "I don't doubt that, but I also think that the two of you like each other a lot. Luke and Calum talk ya know, I have insider information."

Well that caught your attention. Mostly because, well, maybe your conversations with Calum weren't strictly business. He was an interesting guy though, so it really wasn't your fault when you'd text him about ordering new yoga mats and end up discussing his love of grilled cheese instead. He made everything interesting, you could talk to him for hours.

And sometimes you did.

"Well now you have to tell-"

This time it was the attendant walking in that cut your thought off short. The timing was poor, but as soon as you turned to look and saw the dress she had in her arms any annoyance was gone.

"Ladies, I think I found it!" She happily chirped.


"More highlight? Or is it too much already?" Y/BFF/N turned away from the mirror and looked over at you as you paced through her bedroom. You'd already gotten your hair done, and your makeup before coming back to wait for the boys so you could get dressed and go.

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