BSM - Nothin' You Can Do About It

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Requested (:

Request was a BSM where you're injured in a car accident and the boys are worried about you

I have interpreted car accident as an accident that involves at least one person and at least one car

Also I didn't really look up how actual hospitals work in these sorts of situations so we're relying on my knowledge leaned from the medical drama subgenre of TV shows for our probably inaccurate representation here

Y/N - "Your Name" - female pronouns

Y/BSF/N - "Your Best Friend's Name" - gender neutral

tw // blood

tw // serious injury


"IT'S VACAAAAAATION TIME EVERYBODY!" You cheered as you burst through Y/BSF/N's bedroom door at exactly nine A.M., unwilling to wait a single second longer.

They opened a single eye to look at you, and satisfied that there was no good reason to get up, they quickly closed it again. "No, it's sleepy time," they grumbled and rolled back over, "your brother won't be here for another few hours anyway."

You poked out your bottom lip and flopped right on top of them on their bed earning a solid grunt but no movement. That much was true, Calum wouldn't be there to pick the two of you up from your campus apartment until closer to noon, but you were too excited to sleep for the next few hours and you knew they weren't done packing anyway.

"Come onnnnn, if you keep sleeping now you'll forget something when you pack up later," you brushed the hair out of their face, "I'll make breakfast and everything!"

Now that got a reaction, your best friend sat straight up in bed, nearly knocking you off the end. "You will do no such thing, the last time you made breakfast unsupervised you got a piece of toast stuck in the toaster." They lectured you in a no-nonsense tone.

"Hmph," you rolled off the bed onto your feet, planting your hands on your hips, "that can happen to anyone," you reminded them.

"Yea but usually people aren't dumb enough to stick a KNIFE into a plugged-in toaster," they rolled their eyes at you and flung their covers off.

"It was a plastic knife," you reminded them, "I couldn't get shocked." You watched as the sleep faded from their face, replaced by the passionate determinism that they got when they debated a point that they believed in wholeheartedly. Pre-law majors, they sure loved to argue.

"No," they sneered, "you just melted it into the side of the toaster."

And yeah, you might've lost about a quarter of your rescue knife in the process of your toast retrieval, but the most important part was, "it worked and all you did was stand there and screech at me so I'm not sorry. Also, you're out of bed so I'd start packing if I were you."

"Augh," they looked down at their feet planted firmly on the floor in disgust and then back up at you, "you tricked me!" But despite the biting tone, you could tell they weren't really mad. After all, they'd been the one that asked you to make sure they were all packed up on time. It was your duty as a friend and roommate to keep your promises.

"Yep," you shrugged, "knew you wouldn't like the breakfast suggestion." You winked and strode out of the room, ready to content yourself with some cereal and whatever was on TV.

Calum showed up earlier than he said he would. You weren't all that surprised though, he usually made excused to be able to spend a couple more minutes with you whenever he could. It had gotten tough when you'd gone off to school just as he'd gotten back from tour as that was supposed to be Calum-and-Y/N time. You'd missed him terribly, but there was little either of you could do as him coming to visit would mean you getting absolutely no work done, and everyone knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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