BGM - He Left Marks

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Another Caitlin original

I just can't handle Calum rn so I wrote this one with him even though I was going to put it with Ashypoo

"It's so hooooot," Michael groaned in displeasure.

The four of you all made noises of agreement, saving your words for when you really needed them. The air conditioner had broken sometime in the night, so you had woken up to boiling temperatures in the house that had only gotten worse.

"I'm gonna die," Luke whined, he adjusted the cold washcloth on his forehead so he could chug some water.

The room was silent again as everyone agreed without saying anything.

You sucked in a gasp of dry air, leaning back against the couch as you exhaled slowly. It was just. So. Hot. Calum looked miserable next to you, normally you'd be cuddling but the heat ruined that too so all you could manage was pulling one of his sweaty curls every now and then and maybe brushing fingers.

"We need to cool down," Ashton pointed out the obvious.

Another rumble of agreement. Everyone wanted to be cool, but there was yet to be a suggestion how.

"We could all try and move into the freezer," Calum suggested.

"Noooo," you all groaned.

"We could go streaking," Luke sounded half-serious and maybe a bit delirious.

"That's illegal," you pointed out.

"We could hose ourselves down," Michael chuckled humorlessly.

It seemed so obvious, his words hung in the air like bright neon signs pointing to a promise. A promise of reasonable body temperature.

"Heck yeah let's go put some bathing suits on and then hose ourselves down, the hose water is always cold," Ashton looked rather excited as he perked up a bit at the words.

All of a sudden the stuffy air seemed to be a little less stifling. You all stood and began moving rather quickly upstairs to change into bathing suits.

You and Calum ducked into your bedroom and you started to go through your drawer. You pulled out a black string bikini and thoughtlessly tugged it on while Calum changed into some swim trunks and pulled off his shirt.

When you were both changed, you walked back down and out the backdoor.

"HAHA!" As soon as you were in the backyard you were hit in the face with a freezing blast of water. Normally you'd yell and throw a fit but in that instance you were thrilled. Just this once Luke and Michael could get away with hosing you down.

"Heck yeah," Calum sighed in happiness, pulling down some sunglasses he had left on his head and spreading his arms outward so that the water could run all over his body.

"Get the back of my neck," you pulled your hair to the side and turned around. The hose was aimed on the requested spot, cooling you right away.

Ashton began to giggle. Quietly at first, but then growing in both pitch and speed.

"What's going on over there?" You raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the drummer.

Ashton snickered some more and then pointed at you.

"What? Pointing is rude!" You complained as you looked down at yourself.

"Holy-" Michael trailed off.

"Wowwwww," Luke whistled lowly.

You finally noticed and felt yourself begin to beat back up from embarrassment. There were two huge purple handprints, one on each of your hips where Calum had gripped you the night before while the air conditioning had still been on. They were completely visible as the string bikini left all of your sides visible.

"I uh," you coughed and put your arms down to try and cover the bruises.

"Looks like things were rather rough in the Hood/Y/L/N room last night," Michael wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up!" You snapped, shifting away from him.

"Hey hey hey," Calum finally joined the conversation. He lazily walked over to you, positioning himself directly behind you and then lowering his hands down to directly cover the handprints still on your hips. "Y'all are just jealous because you didn't get any last night," he said smugly, lightly squeezing your hips.

You flinched and smacked at his hands.

"How do you know that I didn't?" Michael demanded, putting a hand on his hip.

"Because you didn't have anyone over last night?!" Calum sounded rather confused, and you were too. There was only one thing he could be implying...

"I don't need to have anyone over. Right Luke?"

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

This wasn't saucy like I intended maybe I'll make another for a different boy

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