DDM - Summer "Fun"

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Requested by the lovely T00TurntTuna

First DDM of the book woot woot

Taking an AU breather while I contemplate what to do with Bleeding Hearts

The lights were flicked on in your cabin, signaling that it was time to get up. A chorus of groans filled the room as none of you nor your cabin mates wanted to get out of bed.

"Come on Otters! Breakfast's in half an hour!" A counselor that you didn't recognize yelled.

That ended up being an unexpected efficient way to get you up in the morning as you bolted upright in your bunk to stare at the doorway. It wasn't Reggie, your counselor from the past month standing there. It was the female counselor from the next cabin over, the Painted Turtles. All of the cabins were named after river/sea animals and you thought that you had really lucked out with the Otter cabin. At least you didn't get the Shrimp. Those poor boys.

But back to the matter at hand, you glanced over at Reggie's bunk and saw it cleaned out. No sheets, no pillow, no clothes, just a bare mattress.

"What happened to Reggie?" You demanded.

The counselor, Dinah, you thought, smiled sadly, "Regina is no longer with us."


When Dinah heard the collective gasp and saw you all pale she shook her head quickly, "no no. She's not dead. She quit."

Well that was mildly better. But only mildly as you felt rather abandoned. Your counselor just left you all without so much as saying goodbye.

"Did she say why?" The girl in the bunk below you asked.

Dinah shook her head and shrugged, "no sé." Well you had no idea what that meant. Thanks for nothing Dinah.

"¡Habla inglés por favor!" Another girl called out, eliciting a cabin-wide laugh.

Dinah smiled lightly, "she didn't say in her letter, I don't know, but you're all going to have to listen to Roger until they replace her and I will check on you during the night since I'm next door so don't get any funny ideas." Roger was the counselor that oversaw the male otter cabin, right next door on the other side. You weren't allowed to have any boys in yours, it wasn't coed.

Nervous glances and unhappy murmurs were exchanged as Dinah left you all to get ready. Why had Reggie left? And more importantly, who was your new counselor going to be?

The next three days were tense, Roger and Dinah tried their best to keep things together your cabin had already had some wild nights. Nothing too crazy, just some Truth or Dare and harmless 3am conversations. They all seemed so much more fun when you knew you weren't supposed to be up that late.

On the third day after Reggie left the camp director called an Otter-only meeting right after breakfast.

"Quiet everyone! Listen! Josh, chew with your mouth closed goshdarnit! How many times to I have to remind you?!" Roger walked around, quieting all of you, and making you clean up after pancakes while you waited.

"Sorrrrrry Roger," Josh said, with his mouth open.

Roger's frown deepened as he shook his head and sat down, mumbling about how he didn't get paid enough to deal with all of you.

He was saved a minute later by Director Mordecai waddling in. He always walked like his knees couldn't bend more than a few degrees, making his gait very short and his stride wobble like a penguin. You didn't know why in the world he walked like that, but it strangely fit his eccentric personality. Mordecai wasn't that old, mid-twenties at most, he ran the day to day operations of the camp, always carrying his neon pink clipboard and wearing a tie-dye shirt, usually made in a heart-shaped bullseye pattern. He had armpit-length hair usually tied back in a man bun, and most interestingly, one of his eyes was brown and the other was green.

"Hellllllo Otters!" He smirked a little and nodded just a few seconds too long while surveying the table.

"Hello Director Mordecai," you all chanted back simultaneously.

He nodded even more at that before glancing down at his clipboard and clearing his throat, "I'm here to introduce you to your groooooovy new counselor, Otters, put your hands together for Counselor Hood!"

While some of your group mates looked at you in surprise you slunk down in your seat. It was just a coincidence, there was no way that your Mum, or Dad, or Aunt or anybody you knew was going to walk through the doors.

Of course your hopes were dashed when your father came jogging in, looking like a complete doofus. He had a matching tie-dye shirt with Mordecai, rainbow heart bullseye patterned. Perched over his face were red heart-shaped sunglasses and he had frayed jorts on. Yes, jorts.

You were about ready to die right then and there. You had no idea how Calum even knew Reggie had quit, let alone how he had the time to come and counsel you. Plus, you were supposed to be in a girls cabin!

"I know that he's not a girl so we're doing some redistributing. I'm going to mix the two Otter cabins to be coed, and each cabin will have a male counselor for the time being. Yes, I already asked all of your parents, and yes they said okay. This is a great Otter bonding exercise!" Mordecai sounded excited, you felt miserable. You really hoped that you'd get put in Roger's cabin.

"So, Counselor Hood, why don't you introduce yourself to your new campers?" Roger suggested, shooting Josh another sharp glare as he began to inhale a package of Cheetos.

"Well, if you haven't been able to tell already, I'm Y/N's dad! Hi Y/N!" He waved at you.

All eyes turned to you as you had no option but to wave back and then bury your head in your hands as soon as they looked away.

Suddenly summer vacation sounded a looooot longer.

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