BGM - Mondays

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Sorry the first week of school has been kicking my ass

But hopefully I'll adjust and start updating more again

Also you can expect some Imagining a Life with MC

Also I'm completely winging this

Monday. The black maiden clad in filthy, torn rags, waiting under your bed, indistinguishable from the darkness. Her pale slitted eyes would just peek out as the moon began to set and the sun hung heavy just below the horizon. She was the murderer of your beloved weekend and the ender of all things good and fun. Not even Calum's strong, warm arms could stop her shrieking and yelling that pulled you from your sleep. Even though he often valiantly tried.


You groaned and your eyelids began to flutter as your alarm continued to blare.


You shrugged off Calum's arm that was still loosely draped over your midsection, and reached your arm out from under the soft warmth of the covers to turn off your alarm.

"Noooo." You turned at the soft whine and turned to look at Calum. In your dark room you could just make out his messy bedhead draped across the pillow, falling messily over his furrowed eyebrows and pouting lips. His brown eyes twinkled at yours pitifully as he reached back out to grab you.

But you were too fast. You swung your legs around and stood quickly. You had fallen into that trap before and missed your midterms. It wouldn't happen again.

"NoooOOOooooo," Calum whined some more. This time you didn't turn to look as you stumbled out of the bedroom and into the ensuite to begin getting ready.

"Calum I have a morning class, I'll be back in a few hours," you reminded him gently while reaching for your toothbrush.

"It's just stupid math though. Math can wait. You should stay here for a few hours and then go," he countered.

You could only snort and shake your head as you were brushing your teeth, but you wished you could tell him that it most definitely didn't work that way.

Calum was silent for the rest of the time you were brushing and you figured he had gone back to sleep. Only when you bent down to wash the toothpaste from your mouth you were suddenly confronted by two solid arms tugging at your waist.

It was Calum, and he was dragging you back toward the bed while your sock-clad feet got no traction against the floor.

"Calum!" You shrieked and grief to grab onto the nightstand.

He mumbled something indiscernible and lifted you by the waist to drop you back onto the mattress.

"CALUM!" You yelled louder. He was severely hindering your ability to get to Calculus II which was not good. You needed to leave.

"Staaaaay," he flopped down on top of you, pinning you with his own heavy body.

"I can't," you squirmed and clawed at his shoulders and back to try and get him to move.

Instead that only egged him on further, and he tiredly grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers and pressing them down above your head.

"Much better," he sighed as he laid his head in the crook of your neck and relaxed.

"Not better. Worse," you corrected him bitterly.

Calum kissed the base of your neck, a soft warm pressure of his smooth lips against your skin.

You huffed and tried to tilt your head toward him so he'd have to stop. In reality you only brought your lips closer to his own and enabled him to steal a quick kiss that left you breathless and suddenly conflicted. Calum's approach was certainly making it harder to deny him.

"Just get the notes from Y/F/N. Say you were sick. Attendance doesn't matter for grades anyway. It's just one day," Calum reasoned between more kisses along your cheeks and forehead. "We can sleep in and then you can come to the studio with me. I'll take you out to dinner later. Just you and me. I'll make it worth your while," he promised with a little smirk.

"I could still go to class come back and then meet you at the studio," you reasoned.

Calum grunted in dissatisfaction, "no. That's not the same thing. Plus, who will keep me company until then?"

Again came the pout as his bottom lip poked pout and hovered just above your own. His big brown eyes widened and you swore they got a little more glossy with excess moisture, fixed directly on you. He lowered himself a little more so that he was nearly resting his complete body weight on you. Warm and heavy everywhere.

He was an evil genius who knew exactly how to play you. But you knew you'd beat yourself up about if you didn't at least try one more time, "call Luke."

Calum let out a whine, "Luke won't be here to cuddle with me. Plus Luke is an awful little spoon."

You snorted but let yourself be pushed onto your side as Calum pressed himself into your back. "See?" His arm went back around your middle and you found yourself in the same position you had been only a few minutes ago.

And maybe Calum managed to fend off Monday because you were able to close your eyes and pretend that it was still the weekend, even if it was only for a few more hours.

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