One - Bad Luck

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Aramine paced around her tower room with her fingers interlocked ,
She had sent the burnt head of Loreté to the enemy rogue pack that were seen on her territory the previous week and was still waiting for a response ,
But she had more pressing matters at hand,
Before she had torched him with her royal wolf powers he had said something,
She had been furiously watching the CCTV footage of the ball room for days, having different interpreters of all languages trying desperately to decipher the words he spoke.

"Die Jäger sind nicht das, was sie scheinen.."
The words swam on the walls, taunting her with their meaning,

A light tapping came on her door,

"Enter Stephen" she said in a monotone voice.

Her trusty servant and only friend poked his head through the door,

"Your majesty a mr Abenswirth to see you, he claims to be a language interpreter."

"Send him in Stephen "

"Hello, Queen Aramine, it is a pleasure to meet you."
The almost slimy man crawled through her door like a frog, big, fat and hairless save for a small amount combed over his head.

"Mr Abenswirth so glad you finally arrived ." She tried not to be sarcastic but the evident gulp he took suggested she had failed,

After a moment of silence and him squirming she smiled lightly , the thing foreign to her and he relaxed.

"So what are you needing interpreted Majesty?"

"Sit, I will show you this video footage which you will translate,"

He plonked unceremoniously into a chair in front of the old dusty computer and stared at the screen as she played the video,

"This is Italian  ." He stated
"Well done you putrid, glutinous creature, the German bit is coming up." She seethed.

He watched in horror as she torched Loréte to death and he whispered,

"Die Jäger sind nicht das, was sie scheinen.."

"The hunters are not what they seem" he muttered,

Hunters? Surely not in her kingdom, her kingdom only stretched to the end of the country but she ruled over all werewolves in the planet, a pretty big job for a 19 year old.

"So we have werewolf hunters on our tails," she announces.
"It would seem so your majesty , but it would seem this man knew something about them? Maybe these hunters are good ?"

"Or maybe he's brainwashed, just like you will be"
And with that she placed her hands on his head where she summoned her memory loss powers and placed them into his head.

After a moment he sat up straight with a blank look in his eyes and walked out the room.
Silly man.

But now she had to be on alert,

"The hunters " she whispered to herself,
Werewolf hunters , possibly , did they know where they were ? Had their location been compromised, had Lorieté been a spy all along?
The questions plagued her mind that night as she sat at her dinner table alone, sat at the far end, one bowl placed in front of her, she was a very commanding and cruel queen, but she had compassion.

"Stephen call all the cooks and maids down, I have a full pot of soup and a huge main course coming, talk then to come help themselves ,"
Silence was her reply, She sighed and pushed her plate away before retiring to her room to try and come up with a solid plan.

After an hour or so She heard a knock on the door
"Come in.." She called dejectedly, Stephen pops his head through the door,
"Y-y-you didn't get your dessert so uh , yeah I thought I'd bring your food up." His hands are shaking as he looks away scared,

She sighed and got the tray, "thank you Stephen, you have been so loyal and faithful, I was wondering if you could organise a special dinner for everybody in the castle tomorrow..."

"Well you see , I kind of need it off, I'm at my sons graduation ," he trails off

"Oh of course, How silly of me, yes take a day off, everyone can have the weekend off, I need to plan for these hunters , tell the guards to have a weekend off to practice whatever." She smiled almost convincingly as Stephen left , head bowed.

"Another birthday alone wolf ." She whispered, tomorrow she would be turning 20.

After she ate her food she drifted into sleep.

She ran through the forest, her dress torn to shreds, it was her birthday, the day she had given everyone off, she was being chased through the forest, she desperately calls to her people who ignored her, they wanted the horrible queen dead , they would rejoice.

The hunter jammed a silver knife through her ribcge as she looked into his eyes, he gasped when he saw her golden eyes, he looked young, 17 at the oldest,
She crumbled in his arms as she bled out..
And she gripped either of his biceps and she pulled him to the floor as they both cried for a century , "forgive me...." the rest of his sentence drifted off into nothingness ,
"Hold me " she whispered as tears streaked down her face and she was gasping for breath through the pain,

He stroked her frizzy red hair as she stared into his eyes, look at me , she willed, see what you have done hunter, but no words came out as she let him watch the life leave her.

She awoke gasping and checking her ribs for any damage , after seeing that she was alright she crawled out of bed on shaky limbs straight into the shower .

After an eternity in the hot rain she got out and stared at the reflection of herself in the steamed up mirror,

Before her thoughts even registered she slammed her fist into the mirror cracking the glass, yet she felt nothing, so empty.

" seven years of bad luck now" she said aloud,

If only she knew her bad luck would start as soon as her doorbell rung, in fact, it had already started with Loreté's words,

"Die Jäger sind nicht das, was sie scheinen.."
Second chapter whoooooop!
I'm so excited and I have so many ideas, my poor fingers can't even handle it

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