Twenty two- Buried

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Short chap

She exited to the back of the cathedral to the graveyard.
The press were not allowed out there luckily enough,
All 26 graves had been lined up and dug along the forest line, coffins ready to be lowered.
The gravestone of Matthews caught her eye and she walked over to his coffin, struggling with her stick,
She reached it and placed a kiss in top of his coffin and stood bedside it with her hand on it,
"Im going to miss you Matthew, you were the first friend I had in a long time, the first person to unravel my coldness, to try and find the niceness in me, you brought the first real smile to my face."

She walked away from his coffin to let others grieve and waited for the moon,

That's when she spotted Logan,

"Logan!" She said trying to get his attention,
He looked distant.
"Hey..." she said touching his arm, he tensed under her touch,

"Hey come on, Matthew wouldn't want to see you upset," she whispered, wiping a silent tear from his face,

"I don't know about that." He muttered, chuckling darkly.

"The last thing I told him, before we fought, was that I hated him."
With that he shoved past her towards his crying grandmother.

About 20 minutes later the full moon rose from behind the clouds, each and every single person raised their heads to the moon and howled as a sign of respect.

That's when the bodies were one by one, lowered into the ground, and Aramine felt a part of her heart shatter, she remembered now why she was so cold, so that she wouldn't have to feel this.

She didn't know what this feeling was, was it guilt? Sadness? Or anger?

All Aramine knew that it was hard to even breathe, it weighed in her chest and she wanted to scream and cry and tear her ribs out to lift the weight that seemed to sit on her lungs.

She let out one final sorrowful howl to the moon, as a sign of complete respect, and the whole graveyard was silent as they thought of their dead.
The gravesmen came along shortly after and began shovelling dirt on top of the coffins,

She hobbled over to Matthews grave with a fresh rose in hand, a red one, and she tossed it among the dirt.

Suddenly a woman started to breathe heavily by the grave site, Aramine felt like she knew her,

A memory surfaced,
The pregnant woman who had cried over her dead mate in Ashley's Vision , she was there at the funeral.

She was going into labour.

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