Twenty one- Cathedral

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Aramine breathed out through grinding teeth,

"Good! Just a few more metres," the nurse coos, and Aramine struggled not to growl at her,
She was getting better and practicing walking on her own, she would be fully healed by the end of the week but today was the funeral

Her wolf was itching to get out and meet her
mate, but Aramine wasn't so sure,  she hadn't seen Logan since last night and he showed no interest in being her mate.

Or maybe he was grieving for his brother,?

There was to be a funeral to honour the dead, Aramine knew that the rogues had all scattered when Jon was taken away, it didn't mean that no one had died.

She also had memorial wall built outside the cathedral where the coronation and massacre had taken place, each and every single person who fought for her was getting an honorary funeral, medals of honour, and their names engraved in the wall.

It wasn't a lot, but nothing she could do would change the fact that they had been killed.

She sighed and left the bed as soon as the nurse left, she dressed in a black lacy dress with long see-through sleeves that flared out at the cuffs, the dress fell to the ground in a pool around her feet,
She smiled as she slipped into her usual black high heels,
She slid out of the hospital doors with a napkin to her eyes pretending to be crying over a relative as she burst out the front doors, still clutching onto her walking stick.

She hailed a taxi and only now saw a nurse running down the corridor after her,

"I discharge myself!" She shouted out of the cab window,
She only had an hour until the funeral started, and she needed to do a press conference tomorrow to clear up questions from the werewolf community.
Her thoughts drifted to Jaxon and she gulped, how was she going to clean that one up?
The taxi arrived 3/4 of an hour later, right next to the red carpet that would await her entrance,
She checked her hair and put on a dazzling smile as a butler appeared and pulled her from the taxi, immediately the press started taking photos of her, asking questions that she couldn't hear, then made her way along the  red carpet, smiling at the journalists behind a red rope.

She waltzed past, pulling up the front of the dress, her walking stick hidden under the delicate black lace.

The doors were opened for her by men in black suits, she entered the cathedral and slowly and silently made her way down the aisle, all eyes turned to her as she bowed her head in respect, the cathedral was completely filled, with some people crowding the side aisles, all the families of the deceased,
It brought a sob to her throat,

Sat right at the front was Logan, with an elderly woman comforting him.

She made her way to the podium situated at the front of the room, cleared her throat, and bean to speak.
"I am Aramine Rossi, queen of all the werewolves, today, I am saddened greatly, as we are gathered to remember our fallen brothers and sisters." Her voice radiated power and compassion for her people,

"This saddens me as among those lost was a great friend of mine, but all of these men and women were my people, they held a place in my heart, and it was my job to protect them, I have failed." She paused  and the silence remained as she brought out her stick to balance her,
"We are here to grieve, for them, but also for us, but mainly to remember them all In a positive way, the life that they had, and the life that they are leaving behind." She took s deep breath,
"The life they should have had."

"Today is the day that they shall all be named, and buried, they will all be given a warriors death , no matter their rankings,"

In the kingdom they had a system, You were a royal,
A warrior,
A regular wolf,
Or a rogue,

That was the way their rankings worked, but today it didn't matter, unless you were a rogue.

"The names of the deceased males are,
Marcus grey,
Gregory Hamilton,
François fredonne,
Brian Claus,
Olliver Patterson,
William stoops,
Bill Christie,
Jack Crawford,
Carlos freidrickson,
Harris beord
Lewis Maël and
Martin weir,"
She took a deep breath,

"And Matthew Hunter."

"The females are,
Jessica pierce,
Olivia berdshore,
Catherine ford,
Nina somers,
Tiffany caresford,
Lois carnelian,
Kate ares,
Christie nier,
Alexandera caresford,
Amanda caresford,
Rachel Duncan and
Louise moyers."

"These are the warriors who shall be honoured beyond the grave, their sacrifice shall not be in vain, but can never be repaid."

" I can not comprehend, how you must be feeling, but I can offer hope, the rogues leaders and other traitors shall be burned for their crimes against your children, and their families will become honorary members of this kingdom."
The room remains eerily silent.

"I am so, so sorry for your loss, and I will not rest until the rogues are taken down, that I will promise you,"

"And tonight as the bodies are lowered into the ground, they shall be saluted, all 26 wolves that we have lost."

With that Aramine leaves the stage,

The leader of the warriors, Lorete's replacement, took the stage and gave a moving speech, which is filled with silence, no one claps, everyone is alone in their thoughts.

That's when the woman that was with Logan snaps and turns to Aramine standing at the side,

"I am outraged! My grandson is dead because of you! You and your stupid brother,
I want rid of you stupid royals and you should be ashamed,"
She spits as she looks at me,

"Grandmother stop!" Logan pleads with his grandmother.

"I know, I let you down, I let all of you down, but no I will make everything right, by doing well by my people as a whole,
I should have stopped it, but I couldn't, I have never felt more helpless,
But I will learn from my mistakes and try to be a better person, after all, nobody's perfect." She whispers,

"Yeah? Well you not being perfect killed my daughter." A middle aged warrior with a scar on his neck growled out.

"I know! I have killed 26 wolves with my own hands, don't you think I know that, but go on, go ahead and kill me, get a democracy, let's see how long you survive, are you going to do all the paper work, deal with wolf sightings and complaints, use you powers until you pass out to secure the kingdom, fight off an army of rogues on your own so that you don't pull away warriors from their one year olds birthday, from their families, how would you like to have your own wolves' blood on your hands to save the majority!"

"I wish you luck, see how long you survive without magic." She hissed.

At this statement all the anger which was riding in the hall seemed to diminish at this,
It was true.
They were only human.
Not exactly human...

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