Two- Visitors

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Dictionary- Petrichor-a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a period of warm, dry weather,
'Other than the petrichor emanating from the rapidly drying grass, there was not a trace it had rained at all''-google

"Hello? Yes it's Kane here, I was wondering your majesty if you would be so kind...,"

"Spit it out Kane I don't have time for your grovelling." Growled Aramine,

"Well we have some werewolves visiting nearby and they need a place to stay, for a month or so...."

She growled at him again. Kane and her used to play together as children and Was her brother Jonathan's best friend, but this didn't mean he would get off easily.

"Your majesty can they stay with you, it's a month, they need somewhere to stay, age 21 and 23, I think as the most powerful leader in the world , you can deal with them, they'll be there at 2,"
He breaths out a sigh then the line goes silent,
A low snarl erupts from her down the line and she can hear him stuttering,
She ends the call and goes down the hall to the guest bedrooms clearing some space and moving some wardrobes into the rooms , they both have ensuites and nice views, then she  started panicking when She remembered She had no guards to protect and no chef to cook .

Before she ended up pulling all her hair out she grabbed the phone and called back Kane

" if I am to have guests, then I will happily accommodate if you sort me out a nice chef to cook some of the food they like and some other things to keep them occupied as I am currently very busy ."

"S-s-o You don't mind?" He stutters nervously, oh so now we're all quiet ?

"Am I allowed to mind?" She snarls back,

"Ehm your requests shall be adhered to before 1:30 ," and with that She hung up.
It's 1:40 now and everything is in place for the boys arrival, the 21 year old is Matthew and the 23 year old is Logan.

All that's left to do is now to get ready,
She stepped onto her room and for the first time was not sure what to wear,
A simple style would have to do, she tried however to look as presentable as she could for these guests, after all she was the queen.

Her royal blue dress with an open back covered in swirling designs made of a fine velvet like material went nicely with her red waves.

Approximately half an hour later the doorbell rang, she waited a minute before going down the grand staircase observing her replacement butler ordered by aka d open the door.

The smell of petrichor invaded her nose and she inhaled it deeply, giving her flashbacks to running in the rain as a little girl.

Her gaze quickly swept over the boys, her eyes stuck on the tall handsome brother, his leather jacket and rippling muscles attracted her eyes.

"Matthew and Logan am I correct? Can you tell me who is who?" She says as the butler ushers them inside. Though there is no rain here now, she noted that their shoes were muddy and their hair and jackets had a damp-like quality, the sort after you walk through a sauna room,

The younger one with brown short hair and a well defined jawline smiled at her, he looked down at her 5'7 height from his 6'2 and ran a hand through his short hair attractively which caused her to do a double take ,
The older one who again attracted her eyes was stunning with black curly hair at 6'5, green eyes and tan skin, built like a body builder,

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