Twenty- Not Real

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"Matthew." Logan screamed as he launched at Jon grabbing him in a headlock as Edith raised a gun to his head, Logan pulled a knife and held it tight to Jon's throat,

"I will shoot you Logan" Edith hissed, causing shock to radiate through the room at the traitor.

"My Brother is dead because of this man." Logan hissed at Edith.

"You heard The Bitch, the crown is yours,
you don't have to kill my mate." Edith seethed. Causing Logan to growl.

"Listen!" Logan boomed, all stopped fighting and turned to their supposed leader,

"Guards I want you to take these two traitors to the dungeon, knock out Edith, we will burn the witch."

"In fact, they are mates, we shall burn the traitors together." He added.

And for the first time Logan's gaze averted from his brother and landed on Aramine,

"Aramine?" He whispered,
He ran over to the body,

"No, no, no, no, no..." he cries,

"I lost my brother, I won't lose you."
He viscously starts pounding on her chest, attempting CPR to resuscitate her ,
He opens her lips to give her mouth to mouth and sinks his mouth onto hers,

A spark, a tingling feeling setting his whole body on fire, a feeling so intense it startled him.

"MATE." He growls as he pounds faster on her chest,

Ashley appears from the dungeon with Jaxon after taking the traitors away,

It was almost as if no-one noticed that Aramine had been bleeding out on the floor.

"Aramine?" Jaxon called out as he ran to her,

Logan immediately growled at him,

"Stay away from my mate."

Ashley ran forward to her and placed his hands over her head and used his magic to waken her from death.

She took a breath.
She choked and rolled over as the blood came out of her, she heaved and gagged, only tearing a bigger hole in her back,

"You're okay..." Logan whispered holding her face, he kissed her forehead and she shivered.

He bent to kiss her lips as she gasped,

"Mate?" She whispered,
"Mates" he confirmed

A smile danced on her face as she looked up at Ashley,
"You saved me," she said

"And You poisoned me." He retaliated back,
"The black wolf..." she muttered as a frown passed across Logan's face,

"Yeah, Jon." Ashley murmured,

"We need to get you to the hospital to heal up, and soon, You literally just died."

"What was the afterlife like?" Logan asked,

A shiver danced down her spine at the thought, she simply shook her head and replied, "lonely"

'lonely' would not even begin to describe the everlasting despair and sheer emptiness, the absolute darkness of death. There was just nothing.
No redemption for the damned queen.

"Ashley, why do you keep saving me?" She asked, snapping back to reality.

"Your grandfather was in the army with me, You see, us oracles never age." He said with a sigh.
Aramine nodded as a trolley was brought in for her and she took the time to nap as she was hauled into the ambulance, her small hand encased in Logan's the whole time


"So... you were alive the past five months?"

"Well... yeah" Aramine says stirring her hospital tea.
Since she was the queen she pretty much had priority and was operated on in several hours and then her wolf was left to do its job of speedy healing.

"Where were you all that time?" He asks as he sweeps a piece of stray hair behind her ear.

"I was in Brooklyn, working in an alteration place for clothes, the same place that we did up my dress."

"You looked magnificent in that dress, if you look anything like that on our wedding day we'll never get through the ceremony," he says with a growl,
She simply laughs,

"I very much liked the suit you had on, very formal." She says purring as she runs her hand down his well defined chest which can almost be seen through his t-shirt,

"What are you a cat?" He laughs, teasing her,

For that remark his arm gets slapped and she gives him the look of disapproval,
He gulps and looks away nervously, she continues trailing circles on his chest,

"I also loved your little getup, that you wore when you were fighting, very revealing," he drawls out, his eyes glowing, the predatory side of him showing his golden lust filled eyes,

"But I don't want outfits like that around other men, the were eyeing you up, " he snarls,

"Well then its good because they were distracted while i could chop off their heads,"
"How's Matthew?" She asked him, to which he could only shake his head,

"Long gone," he muttered as he stood up and walked away,

"Logan..." she hissed in pain as she tried to stand, she unplugged herself from the machine and managed to drag her iv drip along with her as she hobbled after him,

Since her encounter with the dead her powers have been dormant.

The wheels on the drip attached to her arm squeak as she holds on to it for dear life, it being the only thing keeping her up.

She smelled his scent had gone up four flights of stairs, a new determination set within her and she clambered up them, she eventually reached a door which led onto the roof, several thoughts occurred to her, what if he was going to jump?
She had lost too many people today.

She opened it and a light wind blew at her hospital gown, she shivered slightly, teeth chattering.

She hobbled over to him to see him simply staring up at the sky, it was half blue and orange, the sun setting behind the city lights, a small row of clouds turned all shades of the rainbow, pinks, purple blue, white, and yellow.

They did nothing,
They simply stared at the orange sunset on the hospital roof,

No words were spoken.
No words were needed.

She knew what they were both thinking,

That Matthew was up there, in the now black sky, twinkling amongst the cluster of stars above their heads.

And nothing feels real.

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