Bonus #4

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More people smashed into the room, Aramine impaled one man against the harsh cave wall, Logan tore into the Neck of another.

Aramine watched Edith struggle against six wolves so rolled her eyes and tore into them, knocking them down left right and centre.
"Thank you." Edith whispered, Aramine simply could not bare to look at the girl she once considered friend, too much had happened between them in the last eight years.

Ashley rose from the ground and looked around, he immediately bolted from the room as he had no power, and found Tia and took her outside the caves so she would be safe.

Logan continued to strike down the creatures but they were vastly out numbered, especially with Armamine so heavily pregnant, however she was doing well, they worked as a team, stood tail to tail and slashed and snapped necks of anyone near enough, they got clawed and cut but the parents were too determined to get back to their daughter to care,

They were knocking them down at every turn and crushing the wolves beneath them.

There were only a handful left and they separated to take down the last few.

The final wolf dropped to the floor and Logan and Aramnies eyes met.

They dashed in wolf form from the room in search of their daughter, Aramine followed her nose to see her standing with Ashley, she thanked him by nuzzling him with her head.

She licked the top of her daughters head lightly, Logan sniffed them both thoroughly before they changed back into human and pulled each other into an embrace as Logan nuzzled his mate, sending tingles up her neck to calm his inner wolf.

"Mama and dada are my heroes." Tia whispered.

It was all Aramine needed to hear.

6 months later

Aramine groaned, another contraction hit her hard as Logan rubbed soothing circles on her hand, the mate bond doing nothing to ease the pain, 

Aramine could sense that Logan was distressed at seeing his mate in pain, but it was his fault they were in this mess, I mean sure Aramine was partly to blame for the creation of this child.

She was instructed to push as hard as she could through the contractions and eventually push out her child.
Logan wants instructed to cut the cord.

"It's a boy, a beautiful healthy boy! The nurse proclaimed.

Both parents eyes lit up as Aramine was handed back a now clean baby to cradle, Logan embraced her and she sniffed him for reassurance.

"What would you like to name him?" The nurse asked.

"I thought about Freddie and Elih." Logan muttered.

"Felix, were naming him Felix." Aramine announced.

"Like the cat from the food advert." She heard a nurse whisper.

She ignored this and watched Logan coo over the little baby boy in his hands. His eyes were glowing yellow and glistening, barely believing what was on front of him, he gave her a hard genuine kiss and whispered praise in her ear and got the nurse to take thousands of pictures, Aramine had chosen to give birth as a human so that baby would be born human and could adjust accordingly,
And now that she saw him she was glad he was, he was starting to glow she grabbed him from a confused Logan and looked to his eyes, suddenly something shot into her. A ringing noise was all she heard as Logan shook her.
"Aramine." The distorted voice said as the baby was screaming, Felix had been torn away.
"Did he hurt you." Logan whispered sounding confused.

"No no no, he gave them back." She said smiling and reaching for her son again.

"What back?" He asked

"My powers." She responded.

Felix had a power already.

He could restore powers.

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