Seven- The Hunters

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She works all through the night, using her werewolf speed as she sits, now alone with a picture of Matthew in front of her.

She adds the final coats of oily paint to his hair on the picture, smiling she puts her brush in the water, she reads the time on her small round clock mounted on the wall,   5:39 am,

She hurriedly ran downstairs to the main hallway that led to most of the rooms, knowing that Matthew would see it in the morning, she removed a painting off the hook on the wall that she bought from the auction, placing it there,
She put a little light on top of the table next to it from one of the spare rooms and put a special timing device on it so it  would go on at 7, so not to wake the men too early.

She scattered back upstairs and pulled herself into bed, paint still staining her hands.

Matthew woke up at 8:30, he dressed and pulled himself out of his room into the corridor wiping his eyes, he spotted his brother standing baffled in the corridor looking intently at something, almost as if it would disappear,
That's when he saw it, a dominating large portrait of himself, almost as large as him, it was his face, painted perfectly, capturing his hair and face in an eerily similar way, he stared at it in wonder,

"It was Aramine Logan, she did it, she is not a bad person, we can't do it to her."

Logan stood, his eyes never moving from the picture, until he snatched his vision away, he smacked his hand out, smashing the lamp on the small table,
He had his eyes and body turned away, fists clenched as he seethed,

"You forget Matthew, What she did to us, to our family, don't get attached  , you know what she does ."
He spat out raking a hand through his hair,

"And when I find her dungeon, her torture room, I will prove it to you, but if you start to get close to her, I can promise one thing," he growled holding up a finger in Matthews face staring into his eyes, which are mixing into a golden colour.

"I'll be pulling you out of that torture chamber in a little red wheel barrow."

With those words, stalks off down the corridor slamming his hand into a wall, splitting the plaster.

Matthew could barely believe it when his brother had told him about the wheelbarrow, he knew what they were there to do, they were Matthew and Logan Hunter,

Descended from Loreté Hunter,
One of the queens best warriors, he was the boys uncle and had been sent out to battle against the rogues and was told to bring back the head of the leader, he didn't, so as revenge, instead of him getting a proper burial, his severed head was sent to the rogues with a note, 'you're next'.

They were made aware of the situation by their other uncle Stephen who worked for the queen at the time,

The boys were horrified, especially Logan, and as soon as they figured out it was queen Aramine, they tried to find a way to get to her,so they got hold of Kane's number through some serious digging and breaking into places they shouldn't have, or at least Logan had, after Matthews' first failed attempt he fell off a roof and had a large scar running up his thigh.

Despite all this he worried for her, If she had people on her side against her, What chance did they have against the rogues?

What chance did a 20 year old girl with healing powers and a talent for art have against half of her kingdom and all of the rogues.

They couldn't be divided, they would all die,
He knew he had to make a decision,
Forgive and help her,
Or never forgive her, trick her into revealing all her powers and gain her trust, get her and use her to defeat the rogues, go around thinking she was some heroine.
He would do what needed to be done and wheel her out the castle in a little red wheel barrow,

Hi it's Esi here, I finally finished this chapter, I'm sorry it's quite short but I needed the suspense,

What do you think about the 'hunters'?

Next chap might take a day or two since I have to update my other ones as well,
Okay dokey see ya all soon fishes 💋

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