Sixteen- Returning Ghost

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It had been her brother all along.

And Matthew?

And Logan.

She pulled herself off the ground, a new determination set within her. If they wanted a war, they sure as hell were going to get one.

She stared at the blackened body of Kane before hauling him into the chair, she stripped off her dress and placed it on him and wound the ropes around his blackened flesh,
With one last glance at his deathly dis-figured expression, plastered on his face forever, she lit the whole building on fire.

She made a pathway through the flames to the door,
Hopefully they would find the body and assume it was hers.

She changed into her wolf and bolted from the building, running as fast as her wolf would take her through the old factory buildings.
She clambered up the back of some old containers and skips at the back of an abandoned factory along from the one she was in.

She used her wolf strength to haul herself up onto the flat roof and gazed over to the building on fire, after barely five minutes she heard the familiar sounds of the fire engines pulling up.

They enter the building and she changes back into a human to use her powers to help minimise the flames.

Half an hour later the firemen exit the still smokey building with a trolley that has a body bag on top.

The medical examiner takes one look inside the bag and promptly closes it.

As they are getting ready to leave the scene and bring in the investigators Aramine takes it upon herself to start crumbling the building, pieces of ash and debris fall everywhere so they have no chance of tracing anyone.

She clambers off the roof and follows the coroner and medical examiner, who are in their van, to the morgue in a quieter part of town, after running for so long out of sight and using her powers she was exhausted, but she had to keep going,

She entered inside the building shortly afterwards and followed the men through the building managing to keep herself invisible, literally,

They entered the room in the morgue where all the dead bodies are put into weird drawers and cleared her throat,

"Ehem" she coughed,

They swivelled around to face her direction, confused to see no one there,

"You will both remember nothing of this encounter, that body on the examination table is that of 20 year old Aramine Rossi, no one is under any circumstance to see her body, understood?" She said, power lacing her words,

The two men nodded numbly and Aramine disappeared from the room, it felt weird to be walking around naked since her dress had been left on Kane, but she was a werewolf and was used to it, also the fact they she was invisible helped.

She trailed back through the building, noticing people's curious glances towards doors that seemed to open by themselves.

She exited the morgue with a smile on her face, which quickly turned into a grimace,

If the boys thought she was dead then they would surely throw her stuff out, including her beloved paintings.

But she had no where to go, no one to trust,

She was left with one choice, a girl who might want to kill her,
She decided to make a stop by Edith's house and wondered about her castle, had it been reconstructed?
will it be sold?
What happens when word gets out about her being dead?
she resolved to make a will as soon as possible ,

Roughly an hour of running in wolf form had her arriving at Edith's house,

She burst in through the door and slammed into Edith, knocking them both Into the cold laminate flooring,

"Sorry, Edith I need your help" she muttered,

She looks at Aramine dumbfounded,

"Aramine? Oh my god"
She squeezes Aramine into a tight embrace to which She awkwardly pats her back,

"They told me that they were going to let you die when that chandelier fell on you, but Logan's wolf wanted to save you, so he brought you here, when he came to his senses he left you in that room to die, that's why we were shouting ,
And then to top it all off they told me you were found dead in a burning building today, they had been searching for hours in the woods when they got a call from Kane to say you were dead!" Edith yells hysterically

"Wait that means that they aren't working with Kane and Jon? That doesn't make any sense, and why does his wolf want to save me." I groan rubbing my head.

"Your wolves are probably connected, in some way his wolf wants to protect a leader." She says

"And Jon?" Aramine questions,

"Sorry but who's jon?" Edith buts in.

After explaining the whole story, Edith sits murmuring aloud to herself,

"Kane was sent to finish the job that the boys couldn't..." Edith muttered.

"Either that or Jon put a bounty on your head, which would explain everyone trying to kill you."

"I think you are probably right, But right now I need your help, I need to make a recording of my will."

"Okay let me set up my camera stand to put my phone on, do you know what your going to say?" Edith shouts from her bedroom where she retrieves her camera stand,

"Yup I'm ready to go"

After practicing and setting up the camera they start,

"3...2...1 and action." Edith Shrills,

"Being cold has never helped me in life, it has made me enemies which, if you are watching this, has lead to my demise,
I wanted to make a will so I knew that everything that mattered was taken care of. And so that those I hurt may possibly forgive me." She said playing the guilt card.

"First of all, I leave the total sum of five million dollars to my brother Jon, and three million to Stephen.
The same amount shall be left to my closest friend Kane,
My witch friend Edith shall receive five million for her services."

" really?" Edith buts in
I chuckle, "really" before continuing,

"My castle shall be left to Jon, and I ask to keep my paintings safe in the castle, these are located in a secret room of my tower,
My throne is to be left for my brother Jon,

And I made this because I know I'm going to die."

We switch off the video,

"You know i can use magic to gather any sum of money so I don't need five million " Edith says,

"As can I, however, I can make it last only so long until it disappears" I say smirking,

"But yours is left so it doesn't look suspicious, you can keep it if you like." I confirm,

"That is an awesome plan, What are you going to do now?" She asks as she plonks on her sofa.

"Finish the drawing of Logan as a present, but this time I'm going to draw him smiling, which I have never seen him do,"

"Good luck," Edith says, then chortles.

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