Twenty three- Guest

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She was going into labour.

Aramine ran around to her, clutching her stick all the way,

"It's the baby, the baby's coming." The lady howled,

"Shhhh hey, it's okay, you could have hours yet, just be calm, it's not good for anyone to panic." Aramine calmed the woman,

"O-okay, I need to get to the hospital,"
Aramine manages to pull the woman round to the front, where they are bombarded by the press, Aramine rushes the woman into the taxi as questions rise about her waking stick,
"Hospital please, and quick, unless you want to witness a childbirth," Aramine snaps at the taxi driver,
Aramine rubs on the girls' back and whispers soothing words ,

" hey, I never caught your name," Aramine says,

"Catherine." She gets out through a clenched jaw and a grunt of pain.

As soon as the taxi arrives Aramine hauls Catherine into the hospital calling for help, immediately two nurses grab a wheel chair and start pushing her through the hospital,

Aramine follows on shaky legs, losing count of the amount of doors that they went through,

Sadly because this was a human hospital, unlike the one Aramine was at, Catherine could not give birth as her wolf.

She was pulled into a small room as Catherine was hauled onto the bed and stripped of her clothes into a paper thin gown.

"Okay miss Catherine Im just going to have a little look okay?" The kindly nurse says.

After a quick inspection the nurse took off to speak to the doctor as Catherine continued her laborious breathing.

The lady re entered the room with another female doctor.

"Would you like us to contact the baby's father for you?"
She asked, the doctors tag saying 'Lisa',

"No, he is dead " Catherine stuttered.

There was a moment of silence before the doctor spoke, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Catherine simply nodded as the nurse spoke.
"When the contractions get closer together you can start to push okay sweetheart?"

Catherine nodded before grunting through the contractions and squeezing my hand until I heard one of the bones snap, a light sheen of sweat formed beads on her forehead and soaked her hair to her face as she pushed.

About an hour later the baby was ready to be pushed out.

"I can't do this!" Catherine whined as the pain increased.

"Yes you can, this pinup will brighten your life so much, you owe him the chance to live,  and for Christ sake push woman" staminé hissed through gritted teeth as Catherine crushed her fragile hand.

And with one final push and a lot of coaxing
the cries of a little baby pup filled the room,

"It's a beautiful baby boy!" The nurse proclaimed,
They all cooed at the baby, the mother had the proudest smile on her face,

"I think I'll call him Mark, after my mate Marcus." She said with a choke.

"Would you like us to bring in the visitors?" Lisa asked,'

"Visitors?" I ask, confused

"Yep there's a whole room of folk in our relatives room and a swarm of people outside.

Aramine left the room to the waiting room what're half of the funeral goers waited,

"It's a healthy boy, he's called Mark." Aramine shouted from the door, several people clapped and cheered,

It was strange how the mood of the day had changed, everyone was smiling as they held the pup, and embraced the little family's happiness.
Laughter and beaming faces, mothers cooing at the babies and mates exchanging kisses, a whole host of tears of joy.

All those lives of wolves had left the word, and been bid goodbye today,

But one, beautiful life was welcomed.

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