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The throne that sat beside her was finally occupied,

They had finally excepted each other and were holding their first ball to honour their King,
Instead of her one lonely throne at the top of the stairs by herself, there was two.

She had a choice, to be a heroine and do it all herself to prove that she could,

Or do what fate wanted and be happy with her mate.

And she chose fate,

She chose Logan.

They had lost so much. they had lost Matthew. They had lost hope.

But seeing that golden crown placed on top of his ruffled up hair and his expression of determination for his people,
It made her beam with pride, and made it all worth it.

She took her eyes from her mate and stared at the people in front of her,

Her people,
Their people.

A man with a camera stood in front of them and the camera flashed a bright white light illuminated them and froze their moment in time. This was the picture she would show their children.

For Aramine the future was uncertain, but she knew with Logan by her side she could do anything.

Their hands met in the space between the thrones.

Next to her sat her mate,
her king,

Suo Eroes


La fine non è mai la finitura.
Per loro era solo l'initzo


He watched them from the distance, waiting, hiding in the darkness, his mate was dead, and his plan had failed, he just needed the perfect moment, to strike.

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