Seventeen- Unexpected Source

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4 months later...

She opened the little blue door of the alteration boutique and heard the familiar ping or the bell as she entered.

"Morning Mrs George" Aramine says chirpily.

"Morning dearie, and please, Call me Margerie"

Aramine walks through the shop and through the back rooms where they do the altering to the staff area separated by a beaded curtain, hidden at the back of the shop.

She drops her handbag that contains her lunch on the eating table accross from the microwave,

It was her second month working here, 9-5 Monday to Saturday, Margerie had insisted that it wasn't necessary, and She didn't even need a job, she had her powers,
But at the same time She did need it, to take her mind off of things and keep herself hidden.

It had been four months since they found 'her' body, She had to get involved and use her powers to make sure that reporters of the werewolf community got hold of her will and that all the conspiracies of her being alive were washed away,
They even made her a gravestone and gave her a funeral,
It was broadcasted across all the werewolf channels and her brother was really putting on a show, even fake crying during the ceremony, Matthew and Logan placed flowers for her and Matthew looked genuinely devastated,

Even her ex boyfriend Jaxon had showed his face, but always the clingy type, he wrapped his arms around the coffin and kissed it howling with tears about how much he loved her, all for publicity.

But there was no one that she actually cared about, sure Edith was there, but she knew she wasn't dead.

Being so cold and lonely had made her isolated from the world,

She was going to reclaim her throne, but she was going to be good to her people, she wouldn't rule by fear.

Little did she know that back home Logan was pacing, his wolf was still not over her supposed death,

But at the same time his wolf could almost sense it, it felt like she was alive.

Even though her death was back in march, today was the first of July.

And soon Aramine's brother, would be crowned the King.

She had a plan.

No way in hell, was Aramine Rossi  going down without a fight.

But she needed answers, why was her brother even against her?

Why did he send Kane to murder her?

And most importantly,
Who could she trust?
Who, Was on her side?

She was pulled from her dreaming by a demanding Mrs.George,

"Dearie I need your help, we have a customer."

She was a long way from home at the castle in Chicago, she was hiding out in Brooklyn where she had spotted a nice enough flat, which was owned by Mr.George who said that his wife needed help in the shop, she had been there since.

Although now she looked different, a blonde wig replaced her fiery curls and a pair of blue contacts in place of her gray eyes.

She made her way through the shop again and almost got a heart attack at the person who had entered the shop with a pink dress that was now slung across a chair with Margerie inspecting it.

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