Bonus #5

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Several weeks later.

Aramine knocked on the door with her small bundle in the car with Logan and Tia.

Catherine answered the door, a huge smile graced her features

"How's little Mark jr?" Aramine questioned as Catherine beckoned her into the warm house, Aramine glanced at the picture of Catherine's mate who Catherine had been grieving when she had gone into labour,

They could both see the day clearly in their heads, the birth had brightened a dark Terrible day and had brought the two unlikely friends together.

"Well he's not so little anymore, it's his 8th birthday next Sunday, you and Logan are welcome to bring the family, I'm sure Tia would love to see Mark." Catherine said.

"I know! She was fast asleep in the car outside so I didn't want to disturb her just now, and I'm sure she would love to see mark." Aramine agreed as she sat in the living room.

Catherine thought it odd to see the queen in her gorgeous royal dress and crown perched on her grey fabric sofa, sipping tea from a brown mug whilst she sat in jeans and a warm jumper, surrounded by children's toys.

She remembered Aramines first visit to her house, she had done her hair and was dressed to perfection, and had tried to tidy her house to seem wealthier than she was, there had been press outside of her house, eager to snap a picture of the queen, who was still recovering from her damaged reputation, but was slowly earning love from the public.

She remembered the shiny limo pulling up to her house as Aramine stepped out gracefully, still supported by her cane, and ignored the paparazzi as she knocked on the door to Catherine's house.

With sweaty palms Catherine opened he door, and the rest was much a blur.

The two of them visited each other's places on a regular bases now, as normal friends would, but they often met due to their two children being best friends.

The afternoon passed quickly between the two friends, and laughter had brought tears to Catherine's eyes as she wiped them hastily.

The two sighed as silence overtook them, but it was comfortable,

Aramine glanced at her watch and gasped.

"Shoot! It's 7:20, I said I'd be out at 6:30," Aramine ran to the window and poked her head out,
Logan and the kids had fallen asleep in the car. She chuckled.

"I'd best be going Catherine," Aramine said, reluctantly.

"Yes, wouldn't want to keep them waiting." Catherine chuckled.

The two of them walked to the door as Aramine bid farewell to Mark Jr.

"Thank you for visiting, I'll see you soon." Catherine said as the friends embraced.

"Yes, you certainly will." She chuckled.

"Aramine, " Catherine paused in the doorway as Aramine turned to her,

"Thank you." Catherine said,
Aramine smiled and hugged her friend.

"No, thank you." She turned down the path, the sun was setting and the golden glow fell on them as Catherine watched in admiration, she couldn't blame Aramine for the death of her mate, and goddess had a plan for her, she was sure that both her and Aramine would be okay.

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