chapter 6

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what do I do, if I mark her everyone will know. other rouges will come and join the army  to fight my pack. but if I dont others will take advantage of that. what the fuck do I do. Im a alpha! I cant be scared! 

mark her, deal with the consiciences later.

and thats what il do. 


my wolf is so blunt sometimes. he was pissed off because I  have left it so long. 


he stoped and stood still and just looked at me. shit. 

"Mia, I need to mark you"

I looked ta him confused

"its like a love bite" 

I climbed backwards onto the bed. He sat next to me and caressed my face gently, he tounched my neck I moaned, the tingling started again. this was perfect, he made me feel loved and cared for. I had dont know him but that doesnt matter. he leaned over me and started kissing me, he kissed my neck, I fell onto the bed and then I felt it, a sharp pain on my neck, I gasped. the pain turned into plessure. He pulled me into him and he sat up holding me close as he nussled his nose into my neck as if he was sniffing me.

"can you explain wolf to me?' I asked as he held me, 

"the moon goddess and ansestors decide your fate and guide you to destiny and my destiny is to be the greatest alpha, they guided me to you" he said as he stroked my hair and I giggled a little. im his.

"now I have marked you I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine" thats insane.

"I know, you have to imagine my mind and focus on my thoughts" wtf

Im falling for you.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! I didnt think of anything I did not want to know that I have fallen and slammbed my head gainst the pavment and broke my heart. 


"  you know, er, you can block your thoughts, just imagine a wall beetween the thoughts in our mind"  and with that I did it instantly there is no way im going to let him brake me again with what he knows.

 "about tessa.. she jumped on me I couldnt let go im sorry"  I think my heart mended. I kissed his cheek and looked at the clock, 7.32. 

"are you hungry?" he asked and as he said it my stomach rumbled.  he both burst out laughing, he can be so cute sometimes. I held my hand and pulled me towards the door.

"wait!" I said and he looked at me thinking that something was wrong.

I couldnt stop laughing and then I said it. 

"I need something clean.. to wear" he looked at me and I think he realised the clothes I was wearing before were now just ripped and dirty fabrics, he looked at me not understanding. 

"I cant go out in this!, besides the other guys might like it" he growled. 

moments later a sweet girl came to the door with a bag of clothing. 

she left keeping her head down I thanked her.  I went into his bathroom to change as he stayed ont he bed. I opened the bag. a few dresses and only dresses. and I never wear dresses, just great. 

I put the short lace one which looked like it was from hollister. I felt exposed! I put on some flip flops, I know sexy. I Looked in the mirror my curly long brown hair was messed up. I tried patting it down. I washed my face and walked out of the room. 

Kai was sitting on the bed waiting.

"is there anything else, anything longer?" he said looking for hope.

I instantly looked at him in dissapointmeny. 

"chunk this over it please?" he handed me his jumper. I put it over me it felt good, I could smell his perfect collonge. 

We made our way to the kitchen and it wasnt as busy as before, only kais freinds were there. 

"who's the babe?' on guy said he looked young about 14?

"MY MATE" he held me by the waste.

the boy put his hands up in surender, I couldnt help but chuckle. 

"her names Mia" he sniffed my neck.

"Im Ella and this is my mate Lee" a cheery ginger haired girl said pointed to her black hair guy , I nodded at them both and smiled.

"Hardy and this is my mate thessa" Hardy had ash blonde hair thessa had a black bob that only came to her cheek, she had black eyeliner and looked very misterious, she looked up like she didnt care. thessa and hardy were complete oppersits. 

"George" the 14 year old said.

"Well I jace, im beta and yeah..." I smiled at them all. 

A woman, bit obese came in with a smie on her face, she held a plate of chips and looked at me. 

"hello sweety pie I think you need some fattening"she said handing me the plate.

"if your going to carry our future alpha then you need to build some muscle hehe" she laughed as she left. I felt awkward. 

me and Kai went up to our room and sat there eating chips.  

we sat under the covers, I changed into just his jumper.

"im going to train you" he said out of the blue.

"haha, I skipped every PE lesson at school" I replied he had to be kidding he had no chance. 

but then again I wont miss a chance to see him without a top on.  he looked at me and looked serious this time

"fine" hehe should be fun. 

he kissed my forehead and yawned. 

"lets snuggle up then" 

he cuddled me and put the blankets over us, as we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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