Chapter 22

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Everyone that passed us wanted to feel the bump. I found out today that the first born of an alpha is always a boy, i don't mind i just want him out of here. Its been 2 months now and its been the same thing, Wake up next to Kai, cuddles, breakfast, dinner, cuddles, bed. And that's it, but because the bump is big we have to go shopping today for toys and clothes for them and me. Kai and Jace and Ella have agreed to help us decorate but we need to get the stuff.

We got out of the car to see a massive shopping center, with every department ever. We made our way into the furniture store and went to the children center.

"What about that?" Kai questioned as he pointed to a cot, it was wooden and traditional and cute looking. It had features, like it could rock back and forth. He put it on the list to be ordered. We added things like matching wardrobes and drawers. Blue curtains with yellow giraffes on it. Kai picked up loads of toys and added them to the list.

After the furniture store we went to a baby clothes store. There was loads of stuff for girls and boys.

Kai noticed me glancing to the girl section.

"Next time" He said as if it was a promise.

I laughed at him.

We got into the boys section and it was full of blue things.

"Blue, really? my kid is not going to look like all the other kids"

True though, im not stereo typically going to dress my kids. If i have a girl one day im not going to dress her in pink all the time. I don't care if Kai doesn't like it but I'm going to buy a baby doll for the baby because I want him to learn to take care of things. I dont know if that sounds stupid but I feel that if my baby is going to find a mate I want him to treat her better than Kai treated me, before.

I picked up loads of dungarees, some white tops and basic things. I got loads of little shoes and there was a cutie pair of converses which were yellow. Kai stood there rolling his eyes. I pushed him which really didn't do anything.

We were at the pregnant people store.

"Awwh, are you expecting twins?" The woman said sly, as she looked at me in a cocky way. She noticed Kai and came up to him.

"Can I help you" She said blanking me out, I wanted to laugh as she tried to seduce him.

"us... you can help us" He said bluntly. She ignored it but still smiled while she said.

"If your looking for the discount section its over there.." she pointed.

She walked away but before she did, she looked at my clothes. I wanted to cry, I hated that she looked down at me like that. I tried to ignore it, Kai took my hand and led to the the designer section. I looked down at myself, I can see why she thought that, I was still wearing my leggings and jumper.

The bump was 5 months big which meant we had to buy new clothes for me, when we were at the store we bought loads of clothes that were big enough for me. Fatty.

Loads of jeans that were elasticated on the waist so that it was more comfortable.

Not everything was great though, for the birth i have to be in hospital and have a Cesarean which I don't really want. Kai promised me that he will be at the birth, Which again i don't really want. There has been more sightings of rogues and Kai's getting really worried about it. He hasn't left me on my own for weeks and weeks, When I go to the toilet, he follows me and waits outside.

when we went back to the house we decided that a bit of fresh air would be good we were sat on the grass outside. I was lying down staring at the sky, a little bit of sun bathing. Kaillum was sitting up eating something. I wanted to sit up, I struggled. He instantly heard my groan and dropped his food and helped me up. Hello? he dropped his food for me! I thanked him and he put me between his legs and lent back onto his stomach.

"I was thinking" I attempted to say.

"yeah" He said not really listening and just enjoying the sun.

"We should all have a movie night"


"you, Ella, Thessa, Hardy, Jace, Lee?"

"Babe I rather it just me and you... In our room"

I elbowed him, he was so anti social recently.

"Fine, but I am not watching some soppy shit chick flick"

I laughed, I was more of a Horror film girl.

"Can we get up now, Its dinner time"

He helped me up, holding my waist and taking me to the hall. I did feel light headed, Its all weird at the moment.

We sat down on the table, Kais parents were here too.

"Ash, Lou" I said, they turned around to look at me and gasped, they had not scene me since the dinner as they were on holiday.

They both got up and hugged me. I laughed as they told me about there holidays and stuff.

For dinner we had a great meal, by our amazing cook Leanna.

"Are you done?" Kai asked.


"Eat some of mine, here"

I pushed him away.

"I'm fine"

I said sharply, Everyone looked the there plate. I felt my bump as it started kicking again. I gasped at a hard kick.

"Oh is that.. Baby"

I nodded as Lou questioned. Lou and Ash came over and felt my stomach. I could see a tear fall from his eye as he laughed feeling the kick, ash was soon to follow.

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