Chapter 2

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"She's waking up, GET KAI WOLFE" I heard I happy voice screaming. The bright light shining on my face, the smell of medicine filled my nose, I sensed people.

"Mmh" I mumbled, I wanted everyone to just shut the fuck up.

I rubbed my head and opened my eyes, to see a crowd of people at my bedside. Er okay.

I sat up slowly, my back hurt so much. My head felt sore. I started to remberence what happened with the car and the, boys and everything.

Everyone starred in complete silence. This was so awkward for me and I just wanted to cry. I had so many questions, who are thease people?, where am I ?, what happened?. A familiar face, pushed through the crowd to see me. His face was glowing and he looked so happy to see me. His bright hazel eyes, dark hair and perfect body.

"My name is Kai Wolfe, and your my mate" he smiled at me again and was about to pick me up. I pushed him away.

"My name is Mia and and -I'm your what" I glared at him confused. What the hell is a mate, then I realised. Is he a wolf..

His face dropped, the happy guy with the bright hazel eyes had disappeared leaving an angry black eyed monster. I backed up away from him. I looked up at everyone, I didn't want to talk. He noticed this.

"EVERYONE GET OUT" I gasped, his voice was so intense and loud.

Everyone rushed out not waiting for a second word.

He put his hands to my face, I gasped and flinched. His hands were soft and I felt, well a spark. I didn't want this feeling to stop, I put my hand over his hand. The feeling flew through my body, this was amazing. I then realised what was happening I dropped my hand. I looked up at his face trying to find a explanation.

"I suppose I should explain" his voice was smooth.

He got up and started pacing around the room.

"I don't want you to be scared, well.. I'm a wolf" I looked up at him, somehow this did not surprise me. I was always interested in wolves and native Americans, I loved werewolf books and read them all the time. I laughed to myself.

"What?" he looked up worried

" iv always wanted to be someone's mate" I chuckled.

He sighed happily, took me into a hug. Them sparks again mmmh.

" I want to look after you, I want to love you" he said, this basically made my day.

I always dreamt of true love, someone to be mine. Me to be someone's, and i have finally found it. I have read stories of wolfs finding there mates and living together in love and happiness, yet I thought that they were just fairy tales. I have only know Kai for an hour but I feel so close to him.

This is the most love I have being given since my mum died. But I'm not letting him find out about my past, I don't trust him that much.

" your coming to the pack house" he said in a angrily tone, what made his mood go. He picked me up forcefully over his shoulders

I gasped! my bruises, aches and pains. He held me tighter.

"let me go your HURTING ME!!" I hit my fists into his back, but it hurt my hands more. What the hell is going on he was all lovely with me and then this.

After he ran to the pack house he put me down, my legs felt wobbly. And the ground wanted to say hi, i was about to fall. He grabbed me again and carried me bridal style this time. I was so tired, and him pulling me about was making me more tired. We reached his room.

He laid me on his bed.

" il let you change, there's t-shirts in the draw" he pointed at the Woden chest if draws.

"Look, your beautiful, amazing.. You will make an amazing Luna, you'll look after this pack with me... We will have a family...we will love-" he carried on and on, what the fuck. I mean what the actual fuck.

"I don't think I could be a Luna, I wouldn't know what to do" he looked angry, his eyes went black.

" it will come naturally after we complete the bond by sex-" what!!

" what if I don't want to be luna!" I screamed at him, he slapped me across the face. Twat.

I nearly burst out crying. Oh wait, a tear rolled down my eye. I covered face with my hands, I didn't want him to see me like this.

He left in a hurry. I looked around, the burgundy walls, the Victorian style bed, the window with and arch and a balcony. I went towards the door, shut it and locked it. I went into the bathroom, the stone marble floor and walls, the walk in shower and a

"MIA, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR... NOW!!" I ignored the loud noise from the door.


I was so pissed off, why doesn't she want to be Luna, she's my mate for fuck sake.

I was so angry And I slapped her.

"YOU IDIOT" my wolf screamed in my mind.

I had to run, I was going to kill her if I stayed. My head was aching, that the hell is going on to me. I walked down the stairs pretty fast.

"Kai?" I heard the confused words of my mother,luna of the pack. I didn't stop to talk.

I walked into the bar, we had a bar for all of the pack house. I helped myself to a drink, I poured the whiskey, double shot. As I was about to drink it a firm grip held my hand before the glass reached my mouth.

"Hi dad" I said in a sad tone. Great.

"I heard you found your mate,you know what this means" he sounded a tad (abit) happier.

My face was still in anger as I remembered that my mate didn't want me or her pack.

" doesn't want to be luna" I said in a breath. My father became silent, his grey beard made him look so old. I knew if me and Mia didn't commit then the pack will be handed over to a nearby pack and there alpha. Alpha Vincent, and he was known for his back pack and his harsh upbringing.

" she will become luna, I was like that before but I grew to love.. And love the pack. Look at me now, I have being luna for 30 years and I have a loving mate and amazing children" I heard my mother say as she stood by the door, looking at me through the dim light. Her long greyish hair hung on her shoulders as she wore a white dress that hung below her knees, like a wedding dress. She was wearing the same il tanned boots. She wasn't thin but she was small and curvy. She was my mother. And I loved her with all my heart,NAND so did my father.

I rushed out of the room, I had to apologise to her. I ran upstairs to my door and I was about to open it, I heard her crying. ,y heart broke into a million pieces. I just wanted to hold her to my chest and tell her I'm sorry. I tried to open the door but it was locked, what.

"Mia?, why did you-"

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR" I banged on the door.

I tried to push it in but it did not move.

I mind linked the Boys, about 2 mins they came in running. Jace, Freddie, Marco and Felix. I mind linked them telling what happend I did not want anyone else in the pack what was happening, they would think I'm weak and unable to look after the pack.

"Oh er, this door is made from titanium" i paced the hall. I looked and gave him a 'and?!?' Look.

" er - we installed it, it's ment to stop anyone from coming into your room" he continued.

"By anyone you mean me too" I said, he nodded slowly.

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