c h a p t e r | o n e

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"Brielle has nothing to do with this Lawrence!" my mom screamed from the room next to mine. And then finally the fighting silenced. I could barely hear my father as he said,

"Then we'll send her to George, like you said originally."

My mom walked out of the room and into mine with a sad face, knowing I heard the last part of the argument.

"It's ok mom, I haven't seen Uncle in forever anyways." I said.

She sighed and tossed me a bag and I started to pack my belongings. The pro about being  George Washington's niece, is that we have money. Lots of it. I would be good for a while, anywhere I stay. But since I'm staying with him I guess I don't have to worry about money. I finished packing my belongings and kissed my mother and father goodbye. My mom started to cry.

"It's alright mom, I'll be back soon. You and father will sort things out and I'll return." I said rubbing her back.

"Goodbye love, write to me soon. Make new friends while you are away." She said wiping her cheeks. I gave my father another hug, picked up my bag and got into the carriage waiting for me. As the driver shut the door I waved to my parents. Now comes the journey to New York.

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now