c h a p t e r | t w e n t y n i n e

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Brielle's POV

We approached a giant palace. If my mouth could drop open, it would of. It was huge! It was like a palace you would picture in every fairytale princess story you heard as a child. I wish I was visiting it on better circumstances.

The carriage pulled up outside of the entrance and a red coat guarding the castle came up to our carriage and checked who was inside. He then nodded to another redcoat who opened the giant gate.

The horses continued to pull us in and we went over a small bridge. My wrists burned from trying to get the rope off, my hands were coated with blood. I thought of John. I thought of how much my heart ached to be by his side, and how worried I was that he was now fighting in a war I was part of. I thought of Alexander, and how much he must miss Eliza. I thought of Lafayette and Herc, and how panicked they must be. I could picture Laf muttering in French, pacing around the room. And finally I thought of my father. General Washington. Who was to be soon sending battalions to fight. Too busy to save us.

Finally our carriage stopped and the four redcoats stepped out, pulling Eliza and I with them. They held our shoulders and pushed us in front of them to the castle doors, guards opening them for us.

They led us through the magnificent marble halls, shiny and gleaming. All was going fine as we were walking through the halls, well more like being pushed. That was until one of the two redcoats behind Eliza and I grabbed my shoulders, stopping all six of us in our tracks.

"Come and look at er' hands." He said and I panicked.

I looked behind me to see a trail of blood following me, dripping from my wrists. I hadn't even noticed, my wrists weren't my number one priority.

It wasn't until he grabbed them I felt the pain.

I squealed through the rope around my mouth as my wrists burned at his touch. A red coat came behind me and noticed the trail of blood.

"She's leaving a trail!" He grabbed me by my bloody wrists, me screaming in pain again.

"She's tryin' to escape." Another said.

"Do you got friends comin' and rescuing ya? Ya leavin' a trail for them?" He accused.

I nodded no and looked to Eliza who was frozen, her eyes wide.

Two guards grabbed me roughly.

"Okay let's take her straight down stairs, the king can meet us down there. Got that?" One said to the ones staying with Eliza.

I got the rope off my mouth.

"No!" I screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone. Eliza nodded furiously for me to stop. "Don't separate me from her!!"

"Well, we planned on doing some damage anyways." He shrugged and before I knew what was happening. A fist came at my face and all went black.

Eliza's POV

I watched as one guard punched Brielle and she fell to the ground, hitting her head on the marble. Two redcoats lifted her up and carried her away.

I screamed while the guards continued to shove me down the halls. They finally, tired of my screaming, took the rope of my mouth.

"Finally!" I breathed. "What are they doing with Brielle?"

"She's he general's daughter. Gets the special treatment." One said, making the other chuckle.

"Don't hurt her!" I yelled.

"Sorry missy, she has to be hurt if we want it to effect Washington."

"Please don't hurt her! Washington has felt enough, distraught at his daughters disappearance. Stressed about the war. Please don't-"

They put the rope back around my mouth. I continued to yell.

They took me to an open room, redcoats everywhere surrounding a throne in the center of the room.

On the throne sat, the one and only King George the third in all his posh glory.

He looked up at the sound of the doors shutting.

"Ahhh Miss Hamilton." He said.

I squirmed under the redcoats arms.

"Don't be frightened." He laughed. King George nodded at the two redcoats on my sides and they took the rope off of my mouth.

"Where's Brielle?" I said immediately.

"Wow! So loyal to her friends. You want the honest answer?" He asked, smiling.

I nodded hesitantly.

"Probably getting tortured." He said casually.

Tears threaten to pour out of my eyes, my vision started to get blurry.

"What do you want with me?" I sobbed.

He grinned and folded his hands together. "Nothing deary! We'll kill you once we get to that Hamilton guy."

"What has Alexander ever done to you?"

"He's valuable, very good writer I have to admit. He's going to be great on our side." He stood up and walked closer to me.

"He'll never bow down to the British sides."

"Once he see's you he will."

"No-" I started but guards rushed in, slamming the doors.

"Washington's awake. Just for you your highness." They said and bowed.

"Perfect!" George's squealed and clapped his hands.

"Adam, tie this one back up get her ready for battle. Meet me by the gates at the time we planned." He said gesturing to me.

I tried to get away but ropes where placed back around my mouth.

Battle? What battle?

(A/N: next chapter will be short and in Brielle's POV. My apologies.)

Gone Too Soon • Hamilton {John Laurens}Where stories live. Discover now